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Editions Narayana

excellent    2.440.796 clients de 190 pays
  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
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  • Homéopathie pour les plantes
Interhomeopathy - Editorial June 2007
2007 Juin

Editorial June 2007

de Anne Wirtz
In this edition you will find cases with different levels of anxious-states to panic-attacks for different reasons and thus needing different remedies. The cases show the differences clearly although for the allopathic doctor they would probably have been diagnosed and treated the same.

Ralf Jürgens gives an example of testing his remedy choice and tells how he ‘makes a remedy’ instantly if he needs it. It is quite controversial of course, but so was and is homeopathy, from the very beginning.

Just before publishing this June edition came the article of Tim Shannon discussing Dogmatism and Healing. I thought it to be the right one to follow the former article.

For colleagues who take time to read books during vacations I can recommend:

Insight into plants, volume 3, by Rajan Sankaran.
He and some colleagues again show nice cases solved by his in depth probing into the sensation of the patient on all levels and fitting a remedy into the miasm of the particular plant family.

Fungi, Spectrum Materia Medica, volume 2, by Frans Vermeulen.
Systems, Symptoms, Signatures. It contains:
Pharmacology-Provings-Uses-Properties-Keynotes-Symbolism-Clinical symptoms-Affinities…
The only thing I can say is “Look for yourself”. Great to get so much information in such a structured and readable way.

The Intention Experiment, by Lynne Mc Taggart.
By the gathering of scientific evidence and translating it into day-to-day-language, like she did in the bestseller ‘The Field’, Lynne Mc Taggart shows us how 'focused intention' can eventually change the world. She started an experiment on the web, to share for every interested reader. Nice to know that they found out that when a healer heals someone, (s)he is healed at the same time (page 135).

The next book is almost similar from a different angle. As a Cell-biologist Bruce Lipton finds out that DNA is not the Cause of what happens in our lives, but it stands for ‘our talents’, which can or cannot be active/activated. The DNA reacts to events like trauma or other happenings and experiences to be able to play a significant role in the quality of life and health. The intelligent management of the cell is in the Membrane. Read it for yourself.
The Biology of Belief, Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and -Miracles by Dr. Bruce Lipton.

Why these ‘non-homeopathic’ books?
Because the insight and enthusiasm with which they, the authors, fight to change the scientific materialistic paradigm and include the non-materialistic realm, where we find the laws of homeopathy.

I hope you enjoy this edition and it is a great idea that the joining and sharing of our enthusiasm through 'Interhomeopathy' manifolds the quality of homeopathy at a quantum level.
I wish you all inspiration.

Anne Wirtz - Amsterdam

Catégories: Editoriaux
Mots clés: editorial, Lynne Mc Taggart, Frans Vermeulen, Fungi, Rajan Sankaran, Bruce Lipton

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