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Editions Narayana

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  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
  • Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
  • Alimentation saine et naturelle
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 de 103804 l' effet larsen

Editions Narayana

excellent    2.469.394 clients de 191 pays
  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
  • Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
  • Alimentation saine et naturelle
  • Homéopathie pour les plantes

Fighting fire with fire

Ton Jansen

Fighting fire with fire, Ton Jansen
Buch: 320 pages, relié
publication: 2020
produit no.: 21850
poids: 910g
ISBN: 978-9-5429-2942-0 9789542929420

Fighting fire with fire

Ton Jansen

Homeopathic detox therapy
€ 45,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables
Buch: 320 pages, relié
publication: 2020
produit no.: 21850
poids: 910g
ISBN: 978-9-5429-2942-0 9789542929420

The publisher:

"The highest ideal of cure is the raAccording to the publisher the book is currently in reprintpid, gentle and permanent restoration of health . . ." - Samuel Hahnemann (1810)

Ton Jansen has worked tirelessly for 30 years to achieve quick, gentle and lasting cures for his patients. In this book he explains how to apply his HDT method, allowing us to achieve consistently better results in our practice. Homeopathy must adapt to the changing and increasingly toxic world around us. Ultimately, no-one can argue with clear, clinical results. Our clinical results should speak for themselves, and this is not always the case ...

If you want to genuinely cure your patients, you cannot afford not to read this book.

- Learn to apply systematic remedy courses to prevent
- unnecessary aggravations and achieve quicker results;
- Let go of any fears of high potency prescribing;
- Discover more about organ systems and associated remedies;
- Explore the Materia Medica for over 30 new sarcodes;
- Learn to identify the real root causes
- of today's diseases and how to treat them;
- Develop your case-taking skills using a clearly structured timeline;
- Start to fully understand the impact of pharmaceuticals on human health;
- Learn to integrate advice about nutrition and dietary supplements
- in order to support your homeopathic prescriptions.

€ 45,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

The publisher:

"The highest ideal of cure is the raAccording to the publisher the book is currently in reprintpid, gentle and permanent restoration of health . . ." - Samuel Hahnemann (1810)

Ton Jansen has worked tirelessly for 30 years to achieve quick, gentle and lasting cures for his patients. In this book he explains how to apply his HDT method, allowing us to achieve consistently better results in our practice. Homeopathy must adapt to the changing and increasingly toxic world around us. Ultimately, no-one can argue with clear, clinical results. Our clinical results should speak for themselves, and this is not always the case ...

If you want to genuinely cure your patients, you cannot afford not to read this book.

- Learn to apply systematic remedy courses to prevent
- unnecessary aggravations and achieve quicker results;
- Let go of any fears of high potency prescribing;
- Discover more about organ systems and associated remedies;
- Explore the Materia Medica for over 30 new sarcodes;
- Learn to identify the real root causes
- of today's diseases and how to treat them;
- Develop your case-taking skills using a clearly structured timeline;
- Start to fully understand the impact of pharmaceuticals on human health;
- Learn to integrate advice about nutrition and dietary supplements
- in order to support your homeopathic prescriptions.

Ajouter au panier
€ 45,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

Avis sur Fighting fire with fire
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Moyenne des avis:
4 étoiles sur 5

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achat vérifié
il y a 7 ans
A breeze of fresh air.
First and foremost its original work. Innovative, forward looking, inclusive, well thought, scientific, yet precise and readable.

Author avoids extensive theorizing, complex psycho paranormal explanations, para-pyschological adventures and similar modern contemporary dis-service being dubbed as homeopathy.

His vacuum theory although objectionable, is concise and does not take pages upon pages of the book. Bottom line is, we don't know how ultra-ultra dilutions work.

His work i.e.including modern Allopathic, and other contamination of human body and its anti doting is commendable forward thinking. This is only way forward. Otherwise homeopathy will continue to be considered inferior modality.

I wanted to give this book a five star rating. I read through it twice therefore. Here are some suggestions for second addition, which will surely earn it a five star rating.

Better proof reading.

Avoiding Theme portion in materia medica. Themes are theories. Unless proven by cured cases in a precise and concise description they need to be kept out of medical books.

A section on resources: Where to obtain these remedies from.

In summary: A great book, readable, mostly scientific and forward looking approach. Needs further reduction of theorizing portions. Needs better proof reading done. Needs resources section.
read more ...
12 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
Dr Joan Vidal-Jove
achat vérifié
il y a 5 ans
Contemporary Approach
We are in need of books like this one. Clear concepts based on classical homeopathy and with today’s approaches. The cases selected are very illustrative and much helpful. It is a great help for complex diseases as we all see in our consultations. read more ...
4 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
achat vérifié
il y a 7 ans
Fighting fire with fire - Homeopathy detox therapy
good service, love the book. read more ...
1 personne a trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
achat vérifié
il y a 5 ans
beautiful but weak and superficial content read more ...
2 personnes n'ont trouvé pas ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?

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