Editions Narayana
- plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
- Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
- Alimentation saine et naturelle
- Homéopathie pour les plantes
Meilleurs commentaires des clients
de 110320 l' effet larsenElisabeth de France
produits efficacesBrahim de France
Super site !!!!! J'attends mes produits qui sont d'une très grande qualité.Krebszellen lieben Zucker - Patienten brauchen Fett Bonjour, Y a-t'il un espoir de voir une jour ce grand livre traduit en français . J'ai déjà la version Fr abrégée mais j'ai envie d'en savoir plus. Ces praticiens sont formidables mais mon allemand n'est pas suffisant pour les lire. Pensez-vous que cela arrive un jour ? C'est gâce à leur abrégé que j'ai transformé mes choix alimentaires avec succès et, à mon avis, je suis loin d'être la seule... Merci de votre réponse. = Christine Diss-Guillemet, Paris et Bruxelles Hello, Is there any hope to get this great book translated in French one day ? My German reading isn't sufficient enough to read it right now. And wether I've got the short version in FR, I need to know more for their authors/researchers have provided for the universal common good. Christine Diss-Guillemet, Paris & Brussels 272 pages, relié publication 2012 Krebszellen lieben Zucker - Patienten brauchen Fett Ulrike Kämmerer / Christina Schlatterer / Gerd Knoll prod
Editions Narayana
- plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
- Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
- Alimentation saine et naturelle
- Homéopathie pour les plantes
Elisabeth de France
produits efficacesHomeo-Kids de Patricia Le Roux, Critique
Homeo-Kids Sixty portraits of homeopathic remedies for children from birth to twelve years |
de Firuzi Mehta publié en "The Homeopath" November 2015 |
HOMEO-KIDSPatricia Le Roux (1953 – 2011) was a French pediatric consultant and homeopath, trained in homeopathy at the Faculty of Medicine of Marseilles in France where she also taught the subject. She died after a tragic accident in October 2011 and the world has lost a very good practitioner. I had read several of her articles in the magazine Spectrum and was always impressed with the clarity of her thought and understanding of the remedies and cases she presented. When the Hpathy editor Alan Schmukler offered me a chance to review this book, I immediately agreed. Children form a considerable percentage of any homeopathic practice since even lay people understand that homeopathy is a safe system of medicine and free of the toxic side-effects of the chemical drugs used in conventional medicine. Children, with their systems relatively unspoiled, show positive results to the correct homeopathic remedy very rapidly. We have all seen children who come to our practice, with chronic ailments, some more severe than others, which cause not just suffering to the little child, but anxiety and stress to their families as well. Conventional medicine truly has nothing much to offer in chronic conditions. With strong chemical drugs, the chronic ailment is at best suppressed and some other chronic ailment manifests very quickly. Meanwhile, the child and his family run from one specialist to another. They often come to us, disheartened with conventional medicine, and with hope in their eyes that maybe, just maybe, this 'other' form of medicine can help their precious little one. With our homeopathic knowledge, we have the ability to positively modify the long-term health prospects of these little children, going so far as to diminish disease tendencies that run in the family gene pool. This is a big responsibility and also a privilege. We need to make utmost use of all resources at hand, to do the best work we can. This book, Homeo-Kids, by Patricia Le Roux is a good addition to our libraries. The book starts with a brief summary of the basic principles of homeopathy which are then followed by her description of the remedies. Of the sixty remedies she has described here, many are polychrests commonly seen in our practice but there are also some less well-known remedies for children like Beryllium, Helium, Falco peregrinus and Chocolate. To make our work easier, she has grouped them into four main types: chilly, hot, slow and restless. In describing each remedy, she gives a few lines of introduction about what the remedy is useful for. This is followed by describing the source of the remedy. A box of key words (main features) follows. The detailed description of each remedy is divided into two main parts: The Baby and The Child and each of these is described with the following sub-headings: Patricia Le Roux has covered all the main features, keynotes and distinguishing characteristics of each remedy. Development issues faced by different remedies are discussed along with the pathophysiology seen in them. Key phrases are highlighted in bold, allowing a quick review for differentiation in the clinic when necessary. Physical issues and the emotional, mental and psychological aspect of each remedy are dealt with, giving a clear understanding of each remedy type. With this book, not only has Patricia Le Roux demonstrated her clear knowledge of classical methods, but she has also demonstrated her understanding of the relatively new approaches of Jan Scholten and Rajan Sankaran. With her immense clinical experience, she has been able to offer valuable tips for recognising remedies even in very small children who may not display typical signs or symptoms. There is a Remedy Index and an Alphabetical Repertory for ailments towards the end of the book. With this book, we should be better prepared to recognise the remedies when we see them in practice. The reaction of the organism to the right remedy is phenomenal and hopefully, putting this knowledge to good use, we should be able to get far better results, truly easing the suffering of our little patients and creating better all-round health for our future generations. You will remain with us in spirit, dear Patricia. Thank you for this wonderful book. | |||
Homeo-Kids Sixty portraits of homeopathic remedies for children from birth to twelve years |
Critique de ce livre | |
HOMEO-KIDS de Firuzi Mehta , publié en "The Homeopath" November 2015 | |
HOMEO-KIDS de Amanda Bate , publié en Homeopathy in practice Spring/Summer 2016 |