Editions Narayana
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- Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
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de 109986 l' effet larsenCécile de France
tout est parfait !Valerie de France
j'ai passé commande sur un support tablette, le paiement n'a pas fonctionnée, j'ai réitéré mon paiement via un pc, tout s'est bien passé.Florence de France
- plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
- Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
- Alimentation saine et naturelle
- Homéopathie pour les plantes
Cécile de France
tout est parfait !Homeopathy for Acutes and Emergencies de Pareek Alok / Pareek R.S., Critique
Homeopathy for Acutes and Emergencies A Practical Guide |
de Nick Goodman publié en Similia - The Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine - December 2013 |
Homeopathy for Acutes and Emergencies: A Practical GuideThis book is the product of 86 years of experience shared between father and son, some of which has been with homoeopathy in a 50-bed hospital in Agra India, and typically seeing 200 outpatients per day. They have an Intensive Care Unit, and interestingly report that homoeopathic medicine seems to be more effective given by mouth than by intravenous route in unconscious patients (and can be effective if placed in cotton-wool and rubbed behind an ear).It is encouraging that the authors support the use of conventional diagnostic systems and life saving procedures. Indeed they emphasise that life must be prolonged and stabilised in the more urgent cases by any means available, before one has time to consider an appropriate homoeopathic medicine. Therefore the assistance of relevant specialists, e.g. emergency physician, cardiologist, surgeon, should be sought without delay. The reality of medical services in Australia means that these urgent cases rarely come into the care of a homoeopath, which currently limits the usefulness of this book in this country. Chapters share their experience in managing a variety of emergencies. I’ll summarise each: Cardiac and Circulatory - a D/D of medicines that may be useful while waiting for the ambulance, and the medicines (mostly herbals) that can be useful for stabilised heart conditions. Unfortunately there is no comparison provided with current standard medical care. A few medicines are noted for acute hypertension, for which Glonoine has been the most useful. A D/D is provided for acute haemorrhage, and a couple of cases of GIT bleeds are related. Neurological - Some medicines and case examples of stroke are discussed. This is a clinical setting where homoeopaths may occasionally be called by relatives to assist. The clinical information noted here could be useful. They provide a very limited D/D of epilepsy medicines, and others for head and spinal injuries. Psychiatric - The discussion of medicines for fear and depression is rather rudimentary, useful are the suggestions for acute mania and rape and fainting (from emotional causes). Trauma, burns, electric shock, animal bites and bedsores appear to be well covered. Complications from surgery - indications for a few medicines are noted for the side effects of anaesthesia and options for infection, adhesions and scarring. Also provided are suggestions for phantom limb and stump neuroma, and irritation following endoscopy and extubation of gastric tube or bladder catheter. Eighteen medicines are discussed for the management of acute pains with the statement that ‘If you master the following medicines you can become confident in the treatment of pain.’ Six medicines for the itching of herpes zoster are also noted. D/D of medicines useful in appendicitis, pancreatitis, acute renal failure, and a few problems associated with cancer management could provide some useful guidance. A few suggestions and cases are provided in regard to managing the effects of environmental toxins and Sulphurosum acidum 30C and 200C are suggested in a variety of respiratory cases. There are eleven pages summarising information and recommended potencies for some of the medicines noted through the book, and a clinical repertory and medicine index is also provided. The authors wish to focus attention on the utility of homoeopathy in acute conditions, and that there is much more to its use than ’constitutional’ prescribing for chronic conditions. Although their use of brief case histories and a sense of their experience flows compellingly over the text, it is unclear in many sections how reliable this information is for the handling of the case load, in comparison to the response to management in an allopathic hospital. Deciding which patients to refer on requires a good understanding of the therapeutic potential of accessible facilities, as well as one’s own limitations. Ongoing communication and education about what ‘the others’ are doing can be important in getting that balance correct. | |||
Homeopathy for Acutes and Emergencies A Practical Guide |
Critique de ce livre | |
Homeopathy for Acutes and Emergencies, A Practical Guide de Francis Treuherz | |
Homeopathy for Acutes and Emergencies de Bernadette Connolly | |
Homeopathy for Acutes and Emergencies: A Practical Guide de Nick Goodman , publié en Similia - The Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine - December 2013 |