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Editions Narayana

excellent    2.500.482 clients de 191 pays
  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
  • Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
  • Alimentation saine et naturelle
  • Homéopathie pour les plantes

Materia Medica of Nosodes

Henry C. Allen

Materia Medica of Nosodes, Henry C. Allen
Buch: 592 pages, broché
produit no.: 00025
poids: 600g
ISBN: 978-81-319-0286-8 9788131902868

Printed in India - Indian quality


Materia Medica of Nosodes

Henry C. Allen

with Provings of the X-Ray
€ 12,50
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables
Buch: 592 pages, broché
produit no.: 00025
poids: 600g
ISBN: 978-81-319-0286-8 9788131902868

Printed in India - Indian quality


This comprehensive work contains all the nosodes with a list of characteristics, related remedies, and the proving symptoms from head to foot. Many of the symptoms are still missing from the common repertories, including all the proving symptoms and the effect of X-ray, electricity, and magnetism. They offer an exciting glimpse of the future theoretical investigation of the mode of action of homeopathic remedies. Here you will find, together with the widely known nosodes, more seldom ones such as Epihysterinum, Ergotinum, Hippozaenium and Pestinum.
Anthracinum - Electricitas - Hydrophobinum - Malaria officinalis - Medorrhinum - Syphilinum.

Der Herausgeber sagt im Vorwort:
'Concerning the character of this book, Nosodes, it may be said that Dr. Allen first, last and all the time, regarded these drugs as homoeopathic, and not as isopathic, remedies.'

€ 12,50
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

This comprehensive work contains all the nosodes with a list of characteristics, related remedies, and the proving symptoms from head to foot. Many of the symptoms are still missing from the common repertories, including all the proving symptoms and the effect of X-ray, electricity, and magnetism. They offer an exciting glimpse of the future theoretical investigation of the mode of action of homeopathic remedies. Here you will find, together with the widely known nosodes, more seldom ones such as Epihysterinum, Ergotinum, Hippozaenium and Pestinum.
Anthracinum - Electricitas - Hydrophobinum - Malaria officinalis - Medorrhinum - Syphilinum.

Der Herausgeber sagt im Vorwort:
'Concerning the character of this book, Nosodes, it may be said that Dr. Allen first, last and all the time, regarded these drugs as homoeopathic, and not as isopathic, remedies.'

Ajouter au panier
€ 12,50
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

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