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Editions Narayana

excellent    2.969.348 clients de 194 pays
  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
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Miasms and Nosodes - Volume 2

Louis Klein

Buch: 384 pages, relié
publication: 2021
produit no.: 26273
poids: 1070g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-238-5 9783955822385

Expected to be available again at the end of March

Available: Miasms and Nosodes Volume 1

Miasms and Nosodes - Volume 2

Louis Klein

Origins of Disease
€ 59,00
Buch: 384 pages, relié
publication: 2021
produit no.: 26273
poids: 1070g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-238-5 9783955822385

Expected to be available again at the end of March

Available: Miasms and Nosodes Volume 1

Master homeopathic educator and clinician Louis Klein presents the keenly awaited second volume of MIASMS AND NOSODES, further expanding our knowledge of the origins of disease. ´

Also available: Miasms and Nosodes Volume 1

Building on the work of other contemporary homeopaths he has brilliantly conceived a numeric understanding of the stages of the periodic table, and aligned the various miasms and their associated ‘core words’ with these 18 stages. Distilling the essences from both traditional and modern sources, the sycotic and syphilitic miasms and the related diseases, remedies and nosodes are particularly well described. Other diseases such as leptospirosis, psittacosis, Lyme disease, brucellosis and cat scratch disease, and a number caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria, are also included.

In the section on the Lactobacillus acidophilus Nosode Louis Klein explains the energetic impact caused by years of consuming ‘harmless’ probiotics. Chlamydia, now the most frequently reported sexually transmitted disease in many Western countries, has in some ways, Klein proposes, replaced gonorrhoea as the modern underlying sexual miasm. The description of the dispositional and physical attributes of the Chlamydia trachomatis Nosode with its similarities and differences to Medorrhinum is essential reading. The Cholera Nosode, placed in stage 11 with the features of conservative reactionism and ‘holding on’ may be important for patients who participate in ultra-conservative religious practises.

This entire book, a culmination of 40 years of practice, is an impressive gift for all homeopaths.

“Jan Scholten previously mentioned a certain symmetry of stages in the periodic table with stage 10 as the mirror axis. Louis Klein develops this idea to create a new order in the world of infectious disease. With the help of this intelligent navigation we can safely find our way through an astonishing cosmos of bacterial disease, almost with the sensation of being in Louis XIV’s hall of mirrors at Versailles. The stages create a sublimely cool clarity in the previous jungle of miasms. Lou organises the symptoms and characteristics of the remedies in his tried-and-tested “Clinical Focus Guide”, hence this book also serves as a good quick reference guide for the nosodes.”  Ulrich Welte, homeopathic doctor

€ 59,00

Master homeopathic educator and clinician Louis Klein presents the keenly awaited second volume of MIASMS AND NOSODES, further expanding our knowledge of the origins of disease. ´

Also available: Miasms and Nosodes Volume 1

Building on the work of other contemporary homeopaths he has brilliantly conceived a numeric understanding of the stages of the periodic table, and aligned the various miasms and their associated ‘core words’ with these 18 stages. Distilling the essences from both traditional and modern sources, the sycotic and syphilitic miasms and the related diseases, remedies and nosodes are particularly well described. Other diseases such as leptospirosis, psittacosis, Lyme disease, brucellosis and cat scratch disease, and a number caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria, are also included.

In the section on the Lactobacillus acidophilus Nosode Louis Klein explains the energetic impact caused by years of consuming ‘harmless’ probiotics. Chlamydia, now the most frequently reported sexually transmitted disease in many Western countries, has in some ways, Klein proposes, replaced gonorrhoea as the modern underlying sexual miasm. The description of the dispositional and physical attributes of the Chlamydia trachomatis Nosode with its similarities and differences to Medorrhinum is essential reading. The Cholera Nosode, placed in stage 11 with the features of conservative reactionism and ‘holding on’ may be important for patients who participate in ultra-conservative religious practises.

This entire book, a culmination of 40 years of practice, is an impressive gift for all homeopaths.

“Jan Scholten previously mentioned a certain symmetry of stages in the periodic table with stage 10 as the mirror axis. Louis Klein develops this idea to create a new order in the world of infectious disease. With the help of this intelligent navigation we can safely find our way through an astonishing cosmos of bacterial disease, almost with the sensation of being in Louis XIV’s hall of mirrors at Versailles. The stages create a sublimely cool clarity in the previous jungle of miasms. Lou organises the symptoms and characteristics of the remedies in his tried-and-tested “Clinical Focus Guide”, hence this book also serves as a good quick reference guide for the nosodes.”  Ulrich Welte, homeopathic doctor

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il y a 4 ans
Quant à la deuxième édition de Louis Klein sur les miasmes et les nosodes, un autre ouvrage important pour compléter la première, les informations présentées et classées selon les étapes du tableau périodique de Scholtens sont utiles et logiques du point de vue des infections et de leurs influences miasmatiques, en particulier pour les organismes bactériens sur la disposition et la santé, et j'attends avec impatience son troisième volume pour obtenir des informations plus spécifiques sur les infections virales. read more ...
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Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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achat vérifié
il y a 3 ans
J'aime beaucoup ce livre et je trouve dommage qu'il n'ait pas été traduit en français. Il en vaut la peine. read more ...
3 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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