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Editions Narayana

excellent    2.911.717 clients de 194 pays
  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
  • Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
  • Alimentation saine et naturelle
  • Homéopathie pour les plantes

New World Veterinary Repertory de Pitcairn Richard H. / Jensen Thacher Wendy, Critique

New World Veterinary Repertory / Pitcairn Richard H. / Jensen Thacher Wendy

Pitcairn Richard H. / Jensen Thacher Wendy

New World Veterinary Repertory   

A modern homeopathic repertory adapted for animal patients, based on Boger-Boenninghausen's Repertory, with valuable additions from Kent and many others


de Henry Stephenson

New World Veterinary Repertory

Both authors are veterinarians. Richard Pitcairn is the most well-known and respected veterinary homoeopath in the world. He graduated from veterinary school in California in 1965 and began studying homoeopathy in 1978. He was one of the founders of the Academy of Veterinary Homoeopathy, which was the first veterinary homoeopathy professional organisation in the United States. Wendy Jensen became a certified veterinary homoeopath in 1994 after being taught by Richard Pitcairn.

This handsomely bound volume from Narayana Publishers has been a long time in the pipeline. Writing a repertory would be a herculean task. When I started homoeopathy, I used Kent’s Repertory and whenever I looked through it I would be amazed that Kent could have organised such a massive tool. What we have here is the first edited truly veterinary repertory, worked from the ground up made with the intention of best meeting the practical needs of those working with animals.

My book version looks like a small Kent repertory with indented tabs for eyes, ears, generals and so on. These tabs in my book are misplaced, with fever where perspiration should be and so on, but this is my only criticism and is a structural printing problem, not one of ingredients. There is a greatly expanded chapter list at the front which helps you turn to the correct page in the book quickly and so avoid the tab problem.

This new repertory has been based on Boger-Boenninghausen’s Repertory and has some valuable additions from Kent and many others.

In the Boger-Boenninghausen Repertory, the modalities and concomitants are arranged in a more generalised grouping for each repertory section, rather than being listed under specific individual rubrics. With animals, this method is particularly useful, except that we cannot include sensations or the details of pain, though occasionally we can make a reasonable guess at these. Our emphasis is by necessity on location, modalities, concomitants and generals. In animals, mental symptoms are useful after other symptoms have narrowed down our remedy group and we are making our final differentiation. This approach actually matches Boenninghausen’s original recommendation to consider only the most prominent aspects of the mind and disposition, since these symptoms are liable to be overlooked or misinterpreted. Some human symptoms that use things like hands, fingers, menses or moustaches cannot even be recognised in animals and so have been removed. Knees have become stifles, ankles have become hocks, and arms have become anterior extremities.

This philosophical structure forms the basis of the New World Veterinary Repertory. New information has been added from Boger’s Synoptic Key, and Jahr’s New Manual, Boericke, Hering’s Guiding Symptoms and Allen’s Encyclopaedia.

Definitions have also been added to clarify the older terminology and there is extensive cross-referencing to aid the busy practitioner in finding the rubric that most exactly describes the patient.

In my surgery we have been using the veterinary synthesis computer program for many years and running this on RADAR and OPUS. This has been a very helpful program as it has animal additions on top of the humanbased program. However the layout is still the human synthesis model. This New World Veterinary Repertory in a computer form is at present only available through MacRepertory or ReferenceWorks platforms. Most people use computer repertories these days, and from using this in the book form in recent days, I can see that it is going to be a wonderful tool with the animal rubrics as they should be, and the simplicity and accuracy needed from a good repertory.

New World Veterinary Repertory / Pitcairn Richard H. / Jensen Thacher Wendy

Pitcairn Richard H. / Jensen Thacher Wendy

New World Veterinary Repertory   

A modern homeopathic repertory adapted for animal patients, based on Boger-Boenninghausen's Repertory, with valuable additions from Kent and many others

€ 118,00
New World Veterinary Repertory: Ajouter au panier


Critique de ce livre
Pitcairn Richard H. / Jensen Thacher Wendy
New World Veterinary Repertory
de Francis Treuherz
Pitcairn Richard H. / Jensen Thacher Wendy
New World Veterinary Repertory
de Henry Stephenson
Pitcairn Richard H. / Jensen Thacher Wendy
The New World Veterinary Repertory
de Will Falconer




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