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Editions Narayana

excellent    2.966.645 clients de 194 pays
  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
  • Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
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Orchids in Homeopathy

Louis Klein

Buch: 544 pages, relié
publication: 2014
produit no.: 15339
poids: 1355g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-048-0 9783955820480
Ce livre en Allemand
Critique de ce livre

Orchids in Homeopathy
de Jane Lindsay , publié en Similia - The Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine, June 2015

Orchids in Homeopathy

Louis Klein

€ 49,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables
Buch: 544 pages, relié
publication: 2014
produit no.: 15339
poids: 1355g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-048-0 9783955820480
Ce livre en Allemand
Critique de ce livre

Orchids in Homeopathy
de Jane Lindsay , publié en Similia - The Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine, June 2015

Orchids are one of the largest and most fascinating plant families in the world. In spite of that, they have been poorly represented in homeopathy.

Renowned homeopath Louis Klein has produced a comprehensive and trail-blazing guide to this compelling plant family. He initiated ‘The Orchid Project’ to encourage study, sowing seeds which have grown into the extensive provings, materia medica and clinical data offered here.

The material combines a wealth of background information, analysis and intuitive insights to identify key themes for the Orchidaceae family. These include a conflict between spirituality and materialism with a strong sexuality and search for perfectionism.

They have proven to be powerful remedies in children with ADHD, dyslexia, speech difficulties and other learning disorders. Orchid remedies are increasingly needed in the “new child” that is overly adapted to technology and affected by it, leading to disorders of the autism-spectrum and Asperger’s. There are physical affinities for sexual organs, feet and body orifices, with prominent neurological symptoms, as well as fungal infections and allergies.

Detailed, nuanced portraits are offered for over thirty individual orchid remedies like Vanilla planifolia and Cypripedium pubescens as well as many new remedies. Their lesser-known ‘dark side’ is fully explored, along with a host of other new perspectives, such as relationships to Fungal and Animal groups.

Louis Klein has the rare ability to transform the knowledge of provings into clear essences, thus helping homeopaths include this important remedy group in their daily prescriptions.

"Louis Klein's "Orchids in Homeopathy" is the result of his extensive research into this fascinating family of plants; these plants have long been the prized objects of voracious collectors in many cultures. Via historical data and a series of provings, he has found that these remedies relate to a conflict between spirituality and materialism, with a strong sexuality and a search for perfection. His cases reveal the usefulness of these remedies in those with learning difficulties such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's and dyslexia, areas where we homeopaths often struggle to find matching remedies. There is also a strong affinity with the sexual organs, neurological complaints, fungal infections and allergies.With its well-defined descriptions and accurate analyses, the link between theory and practice is made clear and applicable."  Deborah Collins

"Lou Klein's gifts of clear elucidation and clinical insights shine through in his new book, "Orchids in Homeopathy".  Fascinating are themes of sensuality and joy juxtaposed with darker themes such as war and death brought out by the orchids' relationship with fungi.  Insights into contemporary miasmatic families and periodic stages consolidate an archetypal understanding of the orchid remedies.  This groundbreaking book presents over thirty-five colorful and concise remedy pictures as well as six Hahnemannian proving" Kellie Kirkpatrick  Lic.Ac, HMC

"Lou Klein has created a wonderful summary of the themes seen in orchid remedies and related that to how and where they grow. The more detailed materia medica information on individual remedies will be a great resource and if you add to this the beautiful presentation of the book, the entire volume feels like a great gift to the homeopathic community.  Thank you for all the work" Judith Mapleson HMC

“This book is a special treat. Even though the internet is awash with information on orchids, it is heartening to see a book on orchids and homeopathy that is written in such a thoughtful and systematic manner. In the first section, ‘Orchids in nature and human experience’, Louis Klein gives a very well researched and detailed account of orchids and their place in human culture. Section 2 ‘The Orchid group: New Homeopathy Perspective’ is humbling in the sense that we learn how little we know and how much more there is to know. The classical homeopathy texts have so far covered only five members of the orchid family, and about 25-30,000 orchid species are found worldwide.”
Vatsala Sperling in Hpathy Ezine, October, 2015

€ 49,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

Orchids are one of the largest and most fascinating plant families in the world. In spite of that, they have been poorly represented in homeopathy.

Renowned homeopath Louis Klein has produced a comprehensive and trail-blazing guide to this compelling plant family. He initiated ‘The Orchid Project’ to encourage study, sowing seeds which have grown into the extensive provings, materia medica and clinical data offered here.

The material combines a wealth of background information, analysis and intuitive insights to identify key themes for the Orchidaceae family. These include a conflict between spirituality and materialism with a strong sexuality and search for perfectionism.

They have proven to be powerful remedies in children with ADHD, dyslexia, speech difficulties and other learning disorders. Orchid remedies are increasingly needed in the “new child” that is overly adapted to technology and affected by it, leading to disorders of the autism-spectrum and Asperger’s. There are physical affinities for sexual organs, feet and body orifices, with prominent neurological symptoms, as well as fungal infections and allergies.

Detailed, nuanced portraits are offered for over thirty individual orchid remedies like Vanilla planifolia and Cypripedium pubescens as well as many new remedies. Their lesser-known ‘dark side’ is fully explored, along with a host of other new perspectives, such as relationships to Fungal and Animal groups.

Louis Klein has the rare ability to transform the knowledge of provings into clear essences, thus helping homeopaths include this important remedy group in their daily prescriptions.

"Louis Klein's "Orchids in Homeopathy" is the result of his extensive research into this fascinating family of plants; these plants have long been the prized objects of voracious collectors in many cultures. Via historical data and a series of provings, he has found that these remedies relate to a conflict between spirituality and materialism, with a strong sexuality and a search for perfection. His cases reveal the usefulness of these remedies in those with learning difficulties such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's and dyslexia, areas where we homeopaths often struggle to find matching remedies. There is also a strong affinity with the sexual organs, neurological complaints, fungal infections and allergies.With its well-defined descriptions and accurate analyses, the link between theory and practice is made clear and applicable."  Deborah Collins

"Lou Klein's gifts of clear elucidation and clinical insights shine through in his new book, "Orchids in Homeopathy".  Fascinating are themes of sensuality and joy juxtaposed with darker themes such as war and death brought out by the orchids' relationship with fungi.  Insights into contemporary miasmatic families and periodic stages consolidate an archetypal understanding of the orchid remedies.  This groundbreaking book presents over thirty-five colorful and concise remedy pictures as well as six Hahnemannian proving" Kellie Kirkpatrick  Lic.Ac, HMC

"Lou Klein has created a wonderful summary of the themes seen in orchid remedies and related that to how and where they grow. The more detailed materia medica information on individual remedies will be a great resource and if you add to this the beautiful presentation of the book, the entire volume feels like a great gift to the homeopathic community.  Thank you for all the work" Judith Mapleson HMC

“This book is a special treat. Even though the internet is awash with information on orchids, it is heartening to see a book on orchids and homeopathy that is written in such a thoughtful and systematic manner. In the first section, ‘Orchids in nature and human experience’, Louis Klein gives a very well researched and detailed account of orchids and their place in human culture. Section 2 ‘The Orchid group: New Homeopathy Perspective’ is humbling in the sense that we learn how little we know and how much more there is to know. The classical homeopathy texts have so far covered only five members of the orchid family, and about 25-30,000 orchid species are found worldwide.”
Vatsala Sperling in Hpathy Ezine, October, 2015

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€ 49,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

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Pauline Wilson
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il y a 6 ans
Les orchidées en homéopathie
Un livre magnifique qui m'a ouvert un tout nouveau monde, celui des orchidées, et des indicateurs clairs pour la prescription homéopathique. read more ...
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Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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