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Editions Narayana

excellent    2.946.910 clients de 194 pays
  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
  • Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
  • Alimentation saine et naturelle
  • Homéopathie pour les plantes

Set Organ - Conflict - Cure in 12 volumes

Rosina Sonnenschmidt

Set Organ - Conflict - Cure in 12 volumes, Rosina Sonnenschmidt
Buch: 1884 pages, relié
publication: 2013
produit no.: 28942
poids: 6040g
The Set (all 12 volumes) costs only € 264 / $ 348 (12 x € 22 / $29).
This is a savings of € 84 / $ 120 compared to purchasing the single volumes at full price.

Set Organ - Conflict - Cure in 12 volumes

Rosina Sonnenschmidt

With homeopathy, naturopathy and exercises
€ 264,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables
Buch: 1884 pages, relié
publication: 2013
produit no.: 28942
poids: 6040g
The Set (all 12 volumes) costs only € 264 / $ 348 (12 x € 22 / $29).
This is a savings of € 84 / $ 120 compared to purchasing the single volumes at full price.

€ 264,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

Merci de cliquer sur la photo pour avoir le descriptif du produit

Informations du produit Blood - Fluid Consciousness

The first volume concerns the blood. The expressions “blood revenge” and “blood sacrifice” themselves reflect the extreme aspects connected with this theme. Rosina Sonnenschmidt explores the various blood parameters and blood groups and considers their significance. She shows how the formation, quality and regeneration of the blood can be stimulated through naturopathic therapies, such as fresh juices and rhythmic breathing.
Homeopathy has a key role to play in the treatment of serious blood disorders. The references in the repertories to destructive diseases, such as leukaemia and plasmacytomas which are becoming increasingly prevalent, are still fragmentary. In this book, Rosina Sonnenschmidt treads new ground and proposes many new remedies, such as Uranium nitricum, Caesium and Cisplatin, that act directly on the blood constituents.
A work of utmost practical relevance, which offers highly valuable and original advices on contemporary illnesses.

The Organ-Conflict-Cure Series will be completed over the next two years. In total, there will be 12 volumes (plus an Index for the entire series), each dealing with a particular organ system.  The Series can be bought as a Set, or individually:

Volume 1: Blood – Fluid Consciousness
Volume 2: Liver and Gallbladder – Acquired Authority
Volume 3: The Digestive Organs – Pathway to the Centre
Volume 4: Respiratory System – Life and Consciousness
Volume 5: Kidneys and Bladder – Basis of Self-Realisation
Volume 6: Heart and Circulation – ...

Blood - Fluid Consciousness >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Liver and Gallbladder - Acquired Authority

Liver and Gallbladder - Acquired Authority >plus d'informations

Informations du produit The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre

Our digestive system stretches from the mouth to the anus. In-between, there are numerous processes of transformation, both physical and metaphorical. Stomach and gut problems are often the start of a long journey through chronic disease, because we have lost our connection with the centre of our being. If we want to get a grip on the illnesses of our time, we need to simplify our lives and begin exactly where these illnesses start: in the mouth, with the food we eat, and the digestion and letting go of impressions of every kind.

In the third volume of the series “Organ – Conflict – Cure,” Rosina Sonnenschmidt describes in detail the individual parts of the digestive tract with its conflicts and its possibilities of healing – from the mouth and gullet through to the small intestine, large intestine, and rectum. This work is another treasure trove of practical tips from the entire field of naturopathy. Together with the meaning of the Chinese system of correspondences, the book also covers germ-layer affiliation, tongue diagnosis, practical exercises on the energy of the solar plexus, and simple instructions on bowel cleansing.

Especially useful is the clear description of the biological conflicts of the digestive organs with their corresponding homeopathic remedies and naturopathic therapies. Such interesting remedies as Cortisonum, Nuphar luteum, Cynodon dactylon, Paeonia, and the bowel nosodes are presented. The illnesses discussed range from caries and gastritis through...

The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Respiratory System - Life and Consciousness

The focal point of this book is the respiratory system, the breathing, and the approach to the process of breathing from a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual viewpoint.
Rosina Sonnenschmidt goes well beyond the usual understanding of breathing, which she conceptualizes as a complex system from the lungs right down to the level of the individual cells. She discusses common diseases of the airways from bronchitis, asthma and emphysema through to lung cancer. She thereby describes the underlying psychological conflicts that we need to recognize and that patients need to resolve to become healthy again at the physical level.
Topics include: What takes someone's breath away? What makes someone long-winded, in the sense of having great stamina? The holistic treatment plan includes practical breathing exercises, important medicinal herbs such as thyme and sage, nutritional advice and aromatherapy oils. In the final section of the book, devoted to homeopathy, tried-and-tested remedies are proposed for each type of conflict, such as Beryllium, Anisum, Laurocerasus, Malicum acidum, Teucrium, various nosodes and allopathic medicines in homeopathic form.

The Organ-Conflict-Cure Series will be completed over the next two years. In total, there will be 12 volumes (plus an Index for the entire series), each dealing with a particular organ system.  The Series can be bought as a Set, or individually:

Volume 1: Blood – Fluid Consciousness
Volume 2: Liver and Gallbladder – Acquired Au...

Respiratory System - Life and Consciousness >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Kidneys and Bladder - Basis of Self-Realisation

Kidneys and Bladder - Basis of Self-Realisation >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Heart and Circulation - Natural Authority

Heart and Circulation - Natural Authority >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Endocrine Glands - Spiritual Power Sources

Endocrine Glands - Spiritual Power Sources >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Female and Male Sexual Organs Self-Realisation

Female and Male Sexual Organs Self-Realisation >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Brain and Nervous System Blossoming Spirituality

Brain and Nervous System Blossoming Spirituality >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Sensory Organs Wonders of Communication

Sensory Organs Wonders of Communication >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Locomotor System - Progress on All Levels

Locomotor System - Progress on All Levels >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Skin and Lymphatic System Bastions of Immunity

Skin and Lymphatic System Bastions of Immunity >plus d'informations

Ajouter au panier
€ 264,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

Merci de cliquer sur la photo pour avoir le descriptif du produit

Informations du produit Blood - Fluid Consciousness

The first volume concerns the blood. The expressions “blood revenge” and “blood sacrifice” themselves reflect the extreme aspects connected with this theme. Rosina Sonnenschmidt explores the various blood parameters and blood groups and considers their significance. She shows how the formation, quality and regeneration of the blood can be stimulated through naturopathic therapies, such as fresh juices and rhythmic breathing.
Homeopathy has a key role to play in the treatment of serious blood disorders. The references in the repertories to destructive diseases, such as leukaemia and plasmacytomas which are becoming increasingly prevalent, are still fragmentary. In this book, Rosina Sonnenschmidt treads new ground and proposes many new remedies, such as Uranium nitricum, Caesium and Cisplatin, that act directly on the blood constituents.
A work of utmost practical relevance, which offers highly valuable and original advices on contemporary illnesses.

The Organ-Conflict-Cure Series will be completed over the next two years. In total, there will be 12 volumes (plus an Index for the entire series), each dealing with a particular organ system.  The Series can be bought as a Set, or individually:

Volume 1: Blood – Fluid Consciousness
Volume 2: Liver and Gallbladder – Acquired Authority
Volume 3: The Digestive Organs – Pathway to the Centre
Volume 4: Respiratory System – Life and Consciousness
Volume 5: Kidneys and Bladder – Basis of Self-Realisation
Volume 6: Heart and Circulation – ...

Blood - Fluid Consciousness >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Liver and Gallbladder - Acquired Authority

Liver and Gallbladder - Acquired Authority >plus d'informations

Informations du produit The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre

Our digestive system stretches from the mouth to the anus. In-between, there are numerous processes of transformation, both physical and metaphorical. Stomach and gut problems are often the start of a long journey through chronic disease, because we have lost our connection with the centre of our being. If we want to get a grip on the illnesses of our time, we need to simplify our lives and begin exactly where these illnesses start: in the mouth, with the food we eat, and the digestion and letting go of impressions of every kind.

In the third volume of the series “Organ – Conflict – Cure,” Rosina Sonnenschmidt describes in detail the individual parts of the digestive tract with its conflicts and its possibilities of healing – from the mouth and gullet through to the small intestine, large intestine, and rectum. This work is another treasure trove of practical tips from the entire field of naturopathy. Together with the meaning of the Chinese system of correspondences, the book also covers germ-layer affiliation, tongue diagnosis, practical exercises on the energy of the solar plexus, and simple instructions on bowel cleansing.

Especially useful is the clear description of the biological conflicts of the digestive organs with their corresponding homeopathic remedies and naturopathic therapies. Such interesting remedies as Cortisonum, Nuphar luteum, Cynodon dactylon, Paeonia, and the bowel nosodes are presented. The illnesses discussed range from caries and gastritis through...

The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Respiratory System - Life and Consciousness

The focal point of this book is the respiratory system, the breathing, and the approach to the process of breathing from a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual viewpoint.
Rosina Sonnenschmidt goes well beyond the usual understanding of breathing, which she conceptualizes as a complex system from the lungs right down to the level of the individual cells. She discusses common diseases of the airways from bronchitis, asthma and emphysema through to lung cancer. She thereby describes the underlying psychological conflicts that we need to recognize and that patients need to resolve to become healthy again at the physical level.
Topics include: What takes someone's breath away? What makes someone long-winded, in the sense of having great stamina? The holistic treatment plan includes practical breathing exercises, important medicinal herbs such as thyme and sage, nutritional advice and aromatherapy oils. In the final section of the book, devoted to homeopathy, tried-and-tested remedies are proposed for each type of conflict, such as Beryllium, Anisum, Laurocerasus, Malicum acidum, Teucrium, various nosodes and allopathic medicines in homeopathic form.

The Organ-Conflict-Cure Series will be completed over the next two years. In total, there will be 12 volumes (plus an Index for the entire series), each dealing with a particular organ system.  The Series can be bought as a Set, or individually:

Volume 1: Blood – Fluid Consciousness
Volume 2: Liver and Gallbladder – Acquired Au...

Respiratory System - Life and Consciousness >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Kidneys and Bladder - Basis of Self-Realisation

Kidneys and Bladder - Basis of Self-Realisation >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Heart and Circulation - Natural Authority

Heart and Circulation - Natural Authority >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Endocrine Glands - Spiritual Power Sources

Endocrine Glands - Spiritual Power Sources >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Female and Male Sexual Organs Self-Realisation

Female and Male Sexual Organs Self-Realisation >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Brain and Nervous System Blossoming Spirituality

Brain and Nervous System Blossoming Spirituality >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Sensory Organs Wonders of Communication

Sensory Organs Wonders of Communication >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Locomotor System - Progress on All Levels

Locomotor System - Progress on All Levels >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Skin and Lymphatic System Bastions of Immunity

Skin and Lymphatic System Bastions of Immunity >plus d'informations

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