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Editions Narayana

excellent    2.911.717 clients de 194 pays
  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
  • Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
  • Alimentation saine et naturelle
  • Homéopathie pour les plantes

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - 2020

Narayana Verlag

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - 2020, Narayana Verlag
publication: 2020
produit no.: 27081
poids: 750g
3 issues per 2020

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - 2020

Narayana Verlag

Evidence of Homeopathy, Spider and Scorpions, CNS - Neurological Diseases
€ 60,00
€ 45,00
25% de réduction
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables
publication: 2020
produit no.: 27081
poids: 750g
3 issues per 2020

€ 60,00
€ 45,00
25% de réduction
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

Merci de cliquer sur la photo pour avoir le descriptif du produit

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2020-1, Evidence of Homeopathy

Evidence of Homeopathy - In Practice and Research

Since the British medical journal “The Lancet” declared homeopathy to be dead in 2005, the media image of homeopathy has been characterized by increasingly one-sided reporting and commentary. There is general consensus that the efficacy of homeopathic remedies is unproven and any successful treatment can be traced to the placebo effect. Ten years after the appearance of the first issue of SPECTRUM OF HOMEOPATHY we will therefore venture a survey of the state of evidence for homeopathy.

Our authors’ articles from research and practice aim to present differing grades of evidence, from randomized placebo-controlled double-blind studies through practice-oriented observational studies to well documented case studies of serious pathology. At the same time we are also interested in the poor quality of the media-friendly meta-analyses, which are constantly cited by sceptics and opponents of homeopathy to prove its lack of efficacy. With the contributions in this anniversary edition we want to equip our readers with data, facts, and arguments to improve the standing of homeopathy in the public discussion.

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2020-1, Evidence of Homeopathy >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2020-2, Spiders and Scorpions

Spiders and Scorpions

Spiders trigger loathing and disgust in many people due to their strange and alien appearance, as if they were beings from another planet. So it is not easy for homeopaths to comprehend a person who needs a spider remedy. Our understanding is therefore based on mythology and biology as well as remedy provings and clinical experience.

Until 30 years ago the Tarantula and the Papal cross spider were the only remedies from the spider kingdom. Since Jeremy Sherr’s proving of the Israeli fat-tailed scorpion, our materia media has become populated by an increasing number of Arachnid provings, helping to clarify the common characteristics of this class of animals containing 100,000 species. Many proving symptoms indicate the physiology of spiders, from their restlessness and aggression to their pronounced sensitivity to vibration and low appetite. Our renowned international authors present numerous spider remedies, demonstrating with real-life cases how to find these remedies via the common themes of this class as well as their biology together with proving symptoms and the repertory. The frequent loathing of these aliens can thus be transformed into an informative encounter with this vibrant remedy group.


Spectrum of Homeopathy 2020-2, Spiders and Scorpions >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2020-3, CNS - Neurological Diseases

CNS - Neurological Diseases

Disturbances of the body’s nerve center are associated with a large number of symptoms, including vertigo, pain, paralysis, uncontrolled movements, and cramps, as well as loss of speech, memory, and other functions. The psyche is often also directly impacted or affected by the major effects caused by nervous disease in our daily lives.

Whereas modern intensive care or neurosurgery is often astonishingly successful for strokes or brain tumors, its achievements in treating other nervous ailments are often unsatisfactory or accompanied by major side effects. For illnesses such as multiple sclerosis or epilepsy, homeopathy can offer an alternative to conventional treatment with minimal side effects, providing valuable complementary treatment for sufferers of Parkinson’s or dementia.  Therefore patients with chronic neurological disease often seek help from homeopathy. The contributions in this issue cover a wide range of cases with very different illnesses, showing the possibilities offered by homeopathy to deal with even severe pathology.

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2020-3, CNS - Neurological Diseases >plus d'informations

Ajouter au panier
€ 60,00
€ 45,00
25% de réduction
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

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Merci de cliquer sur la photo pour avoir le descriptif du produit

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2020-1, Evidence of Homeopathy

Evidence of Homeopathy - In Practice and Research

Since the British medical journal “The Lancet” declared homeopathy to be dead in 2005, the media image of homeopathy has been characterized by increasingly one-sided reporting and commentary. There is general consensus that the efficacy of homeopathic remedies is unproven and any successful treatment can be traced to the placebo effect. Ten years after the appearance of the first issue of SPECTRUM OF HOMEOPATHY we will therefore venture a survey of the state of evidence for homeopathy.

Our authors’ articles from research and practice aim to present differing grades of evidence, from randomized placebo-controlled double-blind studies through practice-oriented observational studies to well documented case studies of serious pathology. At the same time we are also interested in the poor quality of the media-friendly meta-analyses, which are constantly cited by sceptics and opponents of homeopathy to prove its lack of efficacy. With the contributions in this anniversary edition we want to equip our readers with data, facts, and arguments to improve the standing of homeopathy in the public discussion.

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2020-1, Evidence of Homeopathy >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2020-2, Spiders and Scorpions

Spiders and Scorpions

Spiders trigger loathing and disgust in many people due to their strange and alien appearance, as if they were beings from another planet. So it is not easy for homeopaths to comprehend a person who needs a spider remedy. Our understanding is therefore based on mythology and biology as well as remedy provings and clinical experience.

Until 30 years ago the Tarantula and the Papal cross spider were the only remedies from the spider kingdom. Since Jeremy Sherr’s proving of the Israeli fat-tailed scorpion, our materia media has become populated by an increasing number of Arachnid provings, helping to clarify the common characteristics of this class of animals containing 100,000 species. Many proving symptoms indicate the physiology of spiders, from their restlessness and aggression to their pronounced sensitivity to vibration and low appetite. Our renowned international authors present numerous spider remedies, demonstrating with real-life cases how to find these remedies via the common themes of this class as well as their biology together with proving symptoms and the repertory. The frequent loathing of these aliens can thus be transformed into an informative encounter with this vibrant remedy group.


Spectrum of Homeopathy 2020-2, Spiders and Scorpions >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2020-3, CNS - Neurological Diseases

CNS - Neurological Diseases

Disturbances of the body’s nerve center are associated with a large number of symptoms, including vertigo, pain, paralysis, uncontrolled movements, and cramps, as well as loss of speech, memory, and other functions. The psyche is often also directly impacted or affected by the major effects caused by nervous disease in our daily lives.

Whereas modern intensive care or neurosurgery is often astonishingly successful for strokes or brain tumors, its achievements in treating other nervous ailments are often unsatisfactory or accompanied by major side effects. For illnesses such as multiple sclerosis or epilepsy, homeopathy can offer an alternative to conventional treatment with minimal side effects, providing valuable complementary treatment for sufferers of Parkinson’s or dementia.  Therefore patients with chronic neurological disease often seek help from homeopathy. The contributions in this issue cover a wide range of cases with very different illnesses, showing the possibilities offered by homeopathy to deal with even severe pathology.

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2020-3, CNS - Neurological Diseases >plus d'informations

Avis sur Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - 2020
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Denise Wilhelmi

il y a 3 ans
Reptiles "E Book"
J'ai passé deux jours à essayer de télécharger cet Ebook et j'ai finalement contacté Adobe pour découvrir qu'ils ne pouvaient pas m'aider car Adobe ne supporte pas le programme de téléchargement Elements.
J'ai envoyé un courriel à la personne de contact de Narayana Verlag pour demander de l'aide ou une copie papier de remplacement. Le résultat est que je dois annuler ma commande et commander à nouveau une copie papier. Si j'y parviens, je ferai une nouvelle évaluation.
J'ai été satisfait des livres précédents achetés chez Narayana Verlag.
Je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées.
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Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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Dr Farokh Master
achat vérifié
il y a 5 ans
Homéopathie classique manquante
Discussions fantaisistes, pas de matériel classique. read more ...
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Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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Dr Farokh Master
achat vérifié
il y a 5 ans
Homéopathie classique manquante
Discussions fantaisistes, pas de matériel classique. read more ...
7 personnes n'ont trouvé pas ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
Afficher l'original
Dr Farokh Master
achat vérifié
il y a 5 ans
Homéopathie classique manquante
Discussions fantaisistes, pas de matériel classique. read more ...
8 personnes n'ont trouvé pas ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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Dr Farokh Master
achat vérifié
il y a 5 ans
Homéopathie classique manquante
Tout ce qui est fantaisie moderne. Pas d'auteurs classiques, pas de choses classiques. read more ...
8 personnes n'ont trouvé pas ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
Afficher l'original
Dr Farokh Master
achat vérifié
il y a 5 ans
Homéopathie classique manquante
Discussions fantaisistes, pas de matériel classique. read more ...
9 personnes n'ont trouvé pas ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
Afficher l'original
Dr Farokh Master
achat vérifié
il y a 5 ans
Homéopathie classique manquante
Discussions fantaisistes, pas de matériel classique. read more ...
9 personnes n'ont trouvé pas ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
Afficher l'original
Dr Farokh Master
achat vérifié
il y a 5 ans
Homéopathie classique manquante
Discussions fantaisistes, pas de matériel classique. read more ...
9 personnes n'ont trouvé pas ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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