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Editions Narayana

excellent    2.966.645 clients de 194 pays
  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
  • Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
  • Alimentation saine et naturelle
  • Homéopathie pour les plantes

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Acute, Spice of Life, Birds, Trauma

Narayana Verlag

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Acute, Spice of Life, Birds, Trauma, Narayana Verlag
publication: 2016
produit no.: 27617
poids: 1070g
Special offer - instead of € 72.00 now only € 9.00

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Acute, Spice of Life, Birds, Trauma

Narayana Verlag

Set content: 4 booklets: Acute, Spice of Life, Birds, Trauma
€ 72,00
€ 9,00
87,5% de réduction
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables
publication: 2016
produit no.: 27617
poids: 1070g
Special offer - instead of € 72.00 now only € 9.00

€ 72,00
€ 9,00
87,5% de réduction
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

Merci de cliquer sur la photo pour avoir le descriptif du produit

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-3, ACUTE

For Samuel Hahnemann, the law of similars proved its value above all in the treatment of acute disease, sporadic fevers, and epidemics. Later on, modern medicine celebrated its greatest success in the area of infectious disease. Only now, with increasing distrust of multiple vaccinations and growing resistance to antibiotics, has there been a resurgence of interest in homeopathy.
This issue of “Spectrum” investigates the power of homeopathy to deal with infection as well as other acute physical and psychological conditions, presents varying approaches for homeopathic treatment from casetaking via case analysis through to dosage, and describes mild to acutely threatening illness pictures with the relevant remedies and remedy families. The case studies are taken overwhelmingly from pediatric practice. We look at both the diagnosis of the genus epidemicus for flu epidemics as well as how to practically apply knowledge of the acute miasms.

Single issue € 18.- ($ 24) plus shipment: € 2,90 ($ 4)

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-3, ACUTE >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-I, BIRDS

We are gradually coming to recognize the importance of the bird remedies in homeopathy: to date, only just over 100 remedies have been prepared – so we still lack a sound basis here. Jörg Wichmann helps consolidate our knowledge in this area with his summary of the remedy provings conducted so far.
This issue features an interview with Jonathan Shore. There are practical cases introducing us to Raven, Swift, Pelican, and Falcon. Misha Norland, Markus Kuntosch, Pat Deacon and other well-known homeopaths extend our knowledge of the Griffin. Annette Sneevliet and Deborah Collins present various Pigeons, Linda Johnston gives us a differential diagnosis of her case of Ara macaw in comparison to similar families, and Rosina Sonnenschmidt discusses the connection between domesticated exotic birds and their keepers. Jan Scholten with Geococcyx californianus and Chetna Shuklas with Pavo cristatus venture into new and uncharted territory, whereas Louis Klein's nosode Tuberculinum aviaire reminds us once again of the deep affinity between birds and humans.

Subscription 2011 - BIRDS, The Elements of Life and ACUTE

Single issue € 18.- ($ 24) plus shipment: € 2,90 ($ 4)

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-I, BIRDS >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-1, Trauma

The Asteraceae remedy family

This edition of SPECTRUM on the homeopathic treatment of trauma is at the same time a materia medica of the Asteraceae. No other remedy family is so closely associated by homeopaths with the theme of injury. Internal and external injuries can have lifelong traumatic effects: SPECTRUM provides answers to the question of how to come to terms with such experiences and integrate them. Our renowned authors have explored the action spectrum of the Asteraceae, presenting both some familiar remedies and some new ones from the big family commonly known as the asters, daisies or sunflowers.

Willi Neuhold offers a clear structural framework for the Asteraceae: with the inner experience of the Asteraceae according to the sensation method and its miasmatic classification according to Sankaran, he provides a practical grid for the precise mapping of the individual remedies. A number of homeopaths – including Annegret Gärtner, Sigrid Lindemann, and the pediatrician Andreas Richter – indicate some alternatives to the Asteraceae, such as the Solanaceae. In Andreas Richter's article on the remedy picture and stress cycle of Bellis perennis, we also learn something about modern trauma treatment and the problem of retraumatization. Jürgen Weiland's article about a deeply disturbed youngster from his pediatric practice shows how important and healing this can be, including when working with parents.

Jan Scholten's new methodology is also highlighted in this edition of S...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-1, Trauma >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2016-1, Spice of life

Herbs and spices, such as rosemary, oregano, sage, and especially pepper can make even the most boring food attractive, exciting, and lively. Enthusiasm and a lust for life, the desire for enjoyment and stimulation, as well as the fear of boredom are therefore typical characteristics in the remedy picture of the plants presented in this issue of SPECTRUM "Spice of life". Our authors show the overlaps and differences in the homeopathically similar but botanically very different families of the Lamiaceae and Piperaceae. The contributions in this SPECTRUM present the application of Jan Scholten's Plant theory, Rajan Sankaran's vital sensation and miasms, and Michal Yakir's ideas on the developmental stages of the plants.

Intrigued by the fascinating theme, Jan Scholten and Michal Yakir agreed to make a personal contribution. This issue of SPECTRUM has therefore the pleasure to chronicle the latest and exciting developments in homeopathic classifications.

In his overview, Jan Scholten explains the significance of the remedy codes and how to use them to navigate his Plant system. With co-author Martin Jakob, he exclusively presents a fine-tuning of his Plant theory. His classification of the Lamiaceae into the subfamilies, Lamioideae and Nepetoideae reveals the fundamental significance of his application of phases and subphases.

Michal Yakir describes her views on the evolution of plants and the their relationship to the development of female and male aspects of human indiv...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2016-1, Spice of life >plus d'informations

€ 72,00
€ 9,00
87,5% de réduction
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

Souvent commandés ensemble
Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Acute, Spice of Life, Birds, Trauma, Narayana Verlag+Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - New Life, Allergies, Me and You, Childhood and Psyche, Narayana Verlag =
Prix total € 18,00
acheter tous

Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

Les clients qui ont acheté ce produit Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Acute, Spice of Life, Birds, Trauma ont également acheté

Merci de cliquer sur la photo pour avoir le descriptif du produit

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-3, ACUTE

For Samuel Hahnemann, the law of similars proved its value above all in the treatment of acute disease, sporadic fevers, and epidemics. Later on, modern medicine celebrated its greatest success in the area of infectious disease. Only now, with increasing distrust of multiple vaccinations and growing resistance to antibiotics, has there been a resurgence of interest in homeopathy.
This issue of “Spectrum” investigates the power of homeopathy to deal with infection as well as other acute physical and psychological conditions, presents varying approaches for homeopathic treatment from casetaking via case analysis through to dosage, and describes mild to acutely threatening illness pictures with the relevant remedies and remedy families. The case studies are taken overwhelmingly from pediatric practice. We look at both the diagnosis of the genus epidemicus for flu epidemics as well as how to practically apply knowledge of the acute miasms.

Single issue € 18.- ($ 24) plus shipment: € 2,90 ($ 4)

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-3, ACUTE >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-I, BIRDS

We are gradually coming to recognize the importance of the bird remedies in homeopathy: to date, only just over 100 remedies have been prepared – so we still lack a sound basis here. Jörg Wichmann helps consolidate our knowledge in this area with his summary of the remedy provings conducted so far.
This issue features an interview with Jonathan Shore. There are practical cases introducing us to Raven, Swift, Pelican, and Falcon. Misha Norland, Markus Kuntosch, Pat Deacon and other well-known homeopaths extend our knowledge of the Griffin. Annette Sneevliet and Deborah Collins present various Pigeons, Linda Johnston gives us a differential diagnosis of her case of Ara macaw in comparison to similar families, and Rosina Sonnenschmidt discusses the connection between domesticated exotic birds and their keepers. Jan Scholten with Geococcyx californianus and Chetna Shuklas with Pavo cristatus venture into new and uncharted territory, whereas Louis Klein's nosode Tuberculinum aviaire reminds us once again of the deep affinity between birds and humans.

Subscription 2011 - BIRDS, The Elements of Life and ACUTE

Single issue € 18.- ($ 24) plus shipment: € 2,90 ($ 4)

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-I, BIRDS >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-1, Trauma

The Asteraceae remedy family

This edition of SPECTRUM on the homeopathic treatment of trauma is at the same time a materia medica of the Asteraceae. No other remedy family is so closely associated by homeopaths with the theme of injury. Internal and external injuries can have lifelong traumatic effects: SPECTRUM provides answers to the question of how to come to terms with such experiences and integrate them. Our renowned authors have explored the action spectrum of the Asteraceae, presenting both some familiar remedies and some new ones from the big family commonly known as the asters, daisies or sunflowers.

Willi Neuhold offers a clear structural framework for the Asteraceae: with the inner experience of the Asteraceae according to the sensation method and its miasmatic classification according to Sankaran, he provides a practical grid for the precise mapping of the individual remedies. A number of homeopaths – including Annegret Gärtner, Sigrid Lindemann, and the pediatrician Andreas Richter – indicate some alternatives to the Asteraceae, such as the Solanaceae. In Andreas Richter's article on the remedy picture and stress cycle of Bellis perennis, we also learn something about modern trauma treatment and the problem of retraumatization. Jürgen Weiland's article about a deeply disturbed youngster from his pediatric practice shows how important and healing this can be, including when working with parents.

Jan Scholten's new methodology is also highlighted in this edition of S...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-1, Trauma >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2016-1, Spice of life

Herbs and spices, such as rosemary, oregano, sage, and especially pepper can make even the most boring food attractive, exciting, and lively. Enthusiasm and a lust for life, the desire for enjoyment and stimulation, as well as the fear of boredom are therefore typical characteristics in the remedy picture of the plants presented in this issue of SPECTRUM "Spice of life". Our authors show the overlaps and differences in the homeopathically similar but botanically very different families of the Lamiaceae and Piperaceae. The contributions in this SPECTRUM present the application of Jan Scholten's Plant theory, Rajan Sankaran's vital sensation and miasms, and Michal Yakir's ideas on the developmental stages of the plants.

Intrigued by the fascinating theme, Jan Scholten and Michal Yakir agreed to make a personal contribution. This issue of SPECTRUM has therefore the pleasure to chronicle the latest and exciting developments in homeopathic classifications.

In his overview, Jan Scholten explains the significance of the remedy codes and how to use them to navigate his Plant system. With co-author Martin Jakob, he exclusively presents a fine-tuning of his Plant theory. His classification of the Lamiaceae into the subfamilies, Lamioideae and Nepetoideae reveals the fundamental significance of his application of phases and subphases.

Michal Yakir describes her views on the evolution of plants and the their relationship to the development of female and male aspects of human indiv...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2016-1, Spice of life >plus d'informations

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Un spectre en effet
Avec patience et persévérance, j'ai lu un remède pour oiseaux par jour jusqu'à ce que j'atteigne les petits articles sur les livres et autres aspects de l'homéopathie. J'ai tout lu.

Leur petite vie, les vols qu'ils effectuent et leurs pulsions biologiques particulières et complexes se manifestent à travers ces oiseaux sélectionnés. J'ai été inspirée, étonnée et j'ai appris à mieux connaître nos amis volants. J'ai apprécié la photographie des oiseaux, la prise de cas homéopathique avec une analyse des captures d'écran, et la Materia Medica souvent sous forme de diagrammes, de tableaux, de rubriques, ainsi que la prévoyance et l'expérience de l'homéopathe invité dans ce texte. J'ai trouvé une profonde appréciation non seulement du travail que font les homéopathes, mais aussi de la valeur de nos amis ailés qui offrent un aperçu de leur vie, et qui se révèlent notamment dans les Provings.

J'ai également apprécié les critiques des livres à paraître ou publiés et leur importance pour les praticiens de longue date. Il est intéressant de voir comment les livres sont critiqués pour leur valeur ou leur manque de valeur en termes de recherche, d'analyse de données ou d'hypothèses pures. J'ai apprécié la façon dont les auteurs ont remis en question les prémisses des livres quant à leur objectif d'application pour l'homéopathe. Un texte n'est jamais parfait, mais pour renforcer l'efficacité de l'homéopathie, une critique est indispensable, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit d'analyse scientifique ou de la façon dont les données sont mesurées en homéopathie.

Je n'ai lu que les Oiseaux de cette série et attendre pour écrire une critique sur les quatre serait un mauvais service étant donné mon rythme de lecture et je n'aimerais pas oublier d'écrire une critique sur tous les livres en même temps huit mois plus tard.

C'est le livre qui m'a le plus rapproché d'un ou de plusieurs oiseaux à travers cet objectif, et j'ai apprécié ce voyage.

Si je le peux, j'écrirai une critique pour chaque Spectre de cette série.
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Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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il y a 4 ans
Spectre de l'homéopathie
C'était un très bon prix pour cette combinaison de produits. Je vous remercie. read more ...
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Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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Nina Sabra
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il y a 4 ans
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Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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