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  • Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
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Editions Narayana

excellent    2.946.910 clients de 194 pays
  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
  • Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
  • Alimentation saine et naturelle
  • Homéopathie pour les plantes

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Cats&Dogs / Palliative / Fungi

Narayana Verlag

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Cats&Dogs / Palliative / Fungi, Narayana Verlag
produit no.: 28401
poids: 1070g
Special offer - instead of € 54.00 now only € 9.00

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Cats&Dogs / Palliative / Fungi

Narayana Verlag

Set content: 3 booklets: Cats&Dogs / Palliative / Fungi
€ 54,00
€ 9,00
83,3% de réduction
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables
produit no.: 28401
poids: 1070g
Special offer - instead of € 54.00 now only € 9.00

€ 54,00
€ 9,00
83,3% de réduction
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

Merci de cliquer sur la photo pour avoir le descriptif du produit

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2012-I, Cats and Dogs

The classic milk remedies Lac caninum and Lac felinum have been firm fixtures in homeopathy since the nineteenth century. Their remedy pictures are typical of domesticated mammals. In recent times, homeopathic interest has been directed to their wild cousins. The milks of most of the big cats such as the lynx, cheetah, ocelot, tiger, lion, and jaguar have already been potentized. And for the wild dogs we already have fox, jackal, and wolf milk.
The focus of this issue is the special homeopathic characteristics of these new remedy groups of the carnivorous mammals and the differentiation of the individual remedies in the families Canidae and Felidae. It is especially exciting to differentiate the wild animals of prey from their domesticated cousins with the help of remedy provings and case histories. This issue of Spectrum thus breaks new ground in the evolution of the modern materia medica – never before has this topic been presented as a whole.

Single issue € 18.- ($ 24) plus shipment: € 2,90 ($ 4)

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2012-I, Cats and Dogs >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2016-2, Palliative homeopathy

The care of the dying and the incurably sick poses a special challenge for homeopaths since it requires setting aside Hahnemann’s principle of a rapid, gentle, and enduring cure in favour of other treatment goals. It is all about minimising suffering and improving the quality of life, while remaining open to the possibility of astonishing inner healing processes, which can greatly ease the transitional phase at the end of life.

As with obstetrics at the beginning of life, a modest number of remedies is  adequate for palliative homeopathic treatment for the terminally ill. Classic examples of remedies used for the dying are Arsenicum  album, Carbo vegetabilis or Opium. The areas of application for these and other homeopathic remedies for the typical psychological and physical problems of the terminal phase are exemplified in case histories of restlessness, anxiety, breathlessness, weakness, and anorexia. There is discussion on the methodological aspects in the evaluation of symptoms, potency selection, repetition, and the alternation of remedies, as well as the question of the use of constitutional remedies when the life force is almost extinguished.

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2016-2, Palliative homeopathy >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2015-2, Fascinating fungi

Fungi are overwhelmingly hidden – under the earth or inside other organisms. With their caps, tubes, and bulbs, they show us at the most their organs of reproduction. In homeopathy too, there are only a few visible representatives of this natural kingdom. Situated somewhere between plants and animals, the fungi are difficult to classify. Yet their effect on people is very interesting, whether as gut symbiont or agent of disease, as intoxicant or drug, as food or poison. This spectrum of action promises a wide range of homeopathic applications, which have so far been greatly underutilized. With new remedy provings, miasmatic connections and interesting case histories, our group of international authors will describe the magical kingdom of Agaricus, Bovista and Secale in homeopathic terms – from simple yeasts and lichen to the massive organisms of the higher fungi. The articles as a whole illustrate this complex natural kingdom. With this issue SPECTRUM presents a further, especially fascinating chapter of its modern, living materia medica.

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2015-2, Fascinating fungi >plus d'informations

€ 54,00
€ 9,00
83,3% de réduction
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

Souvent commandés ensemble
Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Cats&Dogs / Palliative / Fungi, Narayana Verlag+Spectrum of Homeopathy 2023-2 Fish Remedies, Narayana Verlag =
Prix total € 29,00
acheter tous

Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

Les produits: Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Cats&Dogs / Palliative / Fungi de Narayana Verlag ‐ € 9,00
Spectrum of Homeopathy 2023-2 Fish Remedies de Narayana Verlag ‐ € 20,00

Les clients qui ont acheté ce produit Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Cats&Dogs / Palliative / Fungi ont également acheté

Merci de cliquer sur la photo pour avoir le descriptif du produit

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2012-I, Cats and Dogs

The classic milk remedies Lac caninum and Lac felinum have been firm fixtures in homeopathy since the nineteenth century. Their remedy pictures are typical of domesticated mammals. In recent times, homeopathic interest has been directed to their wild cousins. The milks of most of the big cats such as the lynx, cheetah, ocelot, tiger, lion, and jaguar have already been potentized. And for the wild dogs we already have fox, jackal, and wolf milk.
The focus of this issue is the special homeopathic characteristics of these new remedy groups of the carnivorous mammals and the differentiation of the individual remedies in the families Canidae and Felidae. It is especially exciting to differentiate the wild animals of prey from their domesticated cousins with the help of remedy provings and case histories. This issue of Spectrum thus breaks new ground in the evolution of the modern materia medica – never before has this topic been presented as a whole.

Single issue € 18.- ($ 24) plus shipment: € 2,90 ($ 4)

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2012-I, Cats and Dogs >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2016-2, Palliative homeopathy

The care of the dying and the incurably sick poses a special challenge for homeopaths since it requires setting aside Hahnemann’s principle of a rapid, gentle, and enduring cure in favour of other treatment goals. It is all about minimising suffering and improving the quality of life, while remaining open to the possibility of astonishing inner healing processes, which can greatly ease the transitional phase at the end of life.

As with obstetrics at the beginning of life, a modest number of remedies is  adequate for palliative homeopathic treatment for the terminally ill. Classic examples of remedies used for the dying are Arsenicum  album, Carbo vegetabilis or Opium. The areas of application for these and other homeopathic remedies for the typical psychological and physical problems of the terminal phase are exemplified in case histories of restlessness, anxiety, breathlessness, weakness, and anorexia. There is discussion on the methodological aspects in the evaluation of symptoms, potency selection, repetition, and the alternation of remedies, as well as the question of the use of constitutional remedies when the life force is almost extinguished.

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2016-2, Palliative homeopathy >plus d'informations

Informations du produit Spectrum of Homeopathy 2015-2, Fascinating fungi

Fungi are overwhelmingly hidden – under the earth or inside other organisms. With their caps, tubes, and bulbs, they show us at the most their organs of reproduction. In homeopathy too, there are only a few visible representatives of this natural kingdom. Situated somewhere between plants and animals, the fungi are difficult to classify. Yet their effect on people is very interesting, whether as gut symbiont or agent of disease, as intoxicant or drug, as food or poison. This spectrum of action promises a wide range of homeopathic applications, which have so far been greatly underutilized. With new remedy provings, miasmatic connections and interesting case histories, our group of international authors will describe the magical kingdom of Agaricus, Bovista and Secale in homeopathic terms – from simple yeasts and lichen to the massive organisms of the higher fungi. The articles as a whole illustrate this complex natural kingdom. With this issue SPECTRUM presents a further, especially fascinating chapter of its modern, living materia medica.

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2015-2, Fascinating fungi >plus d'informations

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