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Editions Narayana

excellent    2.934.682 clients de 194 pays
  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
  • Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
  • Alimentation saine et naturelle
  • Homéopathie pour les plantes

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-1, Trauma

Narayana Verlag

120 pages, fascicule
publication: 2014
produit no.: 15493
poids: 335g

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-1, Trauma

Narayana Verlag

€ 18,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables
120 pages, fascicule
publication: 2014
produit no.: 15493
poids: 335g

The Asteraceae remedy family

This edition of SPECTRUM on the homeopathic treatment of trauma is at the same time a materia medica of the Asteraceae. No other remedy family is so closely associated by homeopaths with the theme of injury. Internal and external injuries can have lifelong traumatic effects: SPECTRUM provides answers to the question of how to come to terms with such experiences and integrate them. Our renowned authors have explored the action spectrum of the Asteraceae, presenting both some familiar remedies and some new ones from the big family commonly known as the asters, daisies or sunflowers.

Willi Neuhold offers a clear structural framework for the Asteraceae: with the inner experience of the Asteraceae according to the sensation method and its miasmatic classification according to Sankaran, he provides a practical grid for the precise mapping of the individual remedies. A number of homeopaths – including Annegret Gärtner, Sigrid Lindemann, and the pediatrician Andreas Richter – indicate some alternatives to the Asteraceae, such as the Solanaceae. In Andreas Richter's article on the remedy picture and stress cycle of Bellis perennis, we also learn something about modern trauma treatment and the problem of retraumatization. Jürgen Weiland's article about a deeply disturbed youngster from his pediatric practice shows how important and healing this can be, including when working with parents.

Jan Scholten's new methodology is also highlighted in this edition of SPECTRUM. He explains in detail how to find the remedy according to his new periodic table of plants so that even those who are not fully up-to-speed with his latest ideas in “Wonderful Plants” can still follow his logic. Clarification of Scholten's thinking is offered by both Resie Moonen and Martin Jakob, who analyze their cases in accordance with Scholten's new approach. With his customary shrewd wit, Franz Swoboda shows how to “crack” Scholten's plant code for uncommon remedies. An original graphic from Jan Scholten's new book is provided, showing the taxonomic overview of the plant world.

Renate Paschmanns and Guy Payen present case histories showing the deep soul of the well-known remedy Arnica, which is also capable of healing profound layers of trauma. Declan Hammond's painfully acquired empathy enables him to accept patients who have experienced the worse thing that can happen to a parent – the death of their child.
His description of what he went through and the loving way in which he deals with patients in the same predicament is very moving.

The astonishing thing, however, is that all these cases have a good ending. Ulrich Welte's fruitful and entertaining overview of the genus Cichorium also repeatedly poses the question “to be or not to be,” which surprisingly often results in a happy ending thanks to homeopathy, despite the pain experienced along the way in each individual case.

€ 18,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

The Asteraceae remedy family

This edition of SPECTRUM on the homeopathic treatment of trauma is at the same time a materia medica of the Asteraceae. No other remedy family is so closely associated by homeopaths with the theme of injury. Internal and external injuries can have lifelong traumatic effects: SPECTRUM provides answers to the question of how to come to terms with such experiences and integrate them. Our renowned authors have explored the action spectrum of the Asteraceae, presenting both some familiar remedies and some new ones from the big family commonly known as the asters, daisies or sunflowers.

Willi Neuhold offers a clear structural framework for the Asteraceae: with the inner experience of the Asteraceae according to the sensation method and its miasmatic classification according to Sankaran, he provides a practical grid for the precise mapping of the individual remedies. A number of homeopaths – including Annegret Gärtner, Sigrid Lindemann, and the pediatrician Andreas Richter – indicate some alternatives to the Asteraceae, such as the Solanaceae. In Andreas Richter's article on the remedy picture and stress cycle of Bellis perennis, we also learn something about modern trauma treatment and the problem of retraumatization. Jürgen Weiland's article about a deeply disturbed youngster from his pediatric practice shows how important and healing this can be, including when working with parents.

Jan Scholten's new methodology is also highlighted in this edition of SPECTRUM. He explains in detail how to find the remedy according to his new periodic table of plants so that even those who are not fully up-to-speed with his latest ideas in “Wonderful Plants” can still follow his logic. Clarification of Scholten's thinking is offered by both Resie Moonen and Martin Jakob, who analyze their cases in accordance with Scholten's new approach. With his customary shrewd wit, Franz Swoboda shows how to “crack” Scholten's plant code for uncommon remedies. An original graphic from Jan Scholten's new book is provided, showing the taxonomic overview of the plant world.

Renate Paschmanns and Guy Payen present case histories showing the deep soul of the well-known remedy Arnica, which is also capable of healing profound layers of trauma. Declan Hammond's painfully acquired empathy enables him to accept patients who have experienced the worse thing that can happen to a parent – the death of their child.
His description of what he went through and the loving way in which he deals with patients in the same predicament is very moving.

The astonishing thing, however, is that all these cases have a good ending. Ulrich Welte's fruitful and entertaining overview of the genus Cichorium also repeatedly poses the question “to be or not to be,” which surprisingly often results in a happy ending thanks to homeopathy, despite the pain experienced along the way in each individual case.

Ajouter au panier
€ 18,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

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achat vérifié
il y a 8 ans
Littérature spécialisée à recommander
Très instructif, aussi bien pour les "novices" en homéopathie que pour les homéopathes expérimentés. Dans l'ensemble, nous le recommandons vivement. read more ...
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Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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caroline hayward
achat vérifié
il y a 5 ans
e-book Spectrum
Je suis abonné à Spectrum depuis son lancement et il est devenu un journal très important et très instructif, une fenêtre sur les méthodologies contemporaines et classiques de nombreux homéopathes expérimentés dans tous les domaines de la pratique. C'est merveilleux de pouvoir accéder à la version électronique, surtout en cette période de crise mondiale, mais je préfère de loin la version papier pour pouvoir tourner les pages manuellement, car c'est tellement plus facile de consulter les articles et les joyaux cachés de l'information. Il fournit également des détails sur les derniers livres et critiques. read more ...
3 personnes n'ont trouvé pas ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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il y a 7 ans
excellent outil
Des cas brillants et une analyse globale bien menée read more ...
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Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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Veronika Ehrler, Ärztin
achat vérifié
il y a 4 ans
Lecture intéressante et utile
Ceux qui travaillent avec la méthode de la sensibilité - sont toujours bien servis par les cahiers Spektrum. Ce n'est pas mon cas - mais je me réjouis toujours des cahiers thématiques intéressants.
Ce cahier sur les reptiles m'a également enthousiasmé.
read more ...
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Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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achat vérifié
il y a 5 ans
Un bon aperçu du traitement homéopathique des troubles hormonaux
Bon aperçu du traitement homéopathique des troubles hormonaux. Je suis impatiente de découvrir le protocole de Liz Lalor. read more ...
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Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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Anjana R. Suresh

il y a 5 ans
lanthanides découverts
Ce numéro donne un bon aperçu des idées centrales des remèdes à base de lanthanides et présente quelques cas courts pour comprendre comment ils peuvent se présenter à l'homéopathe. read more ...
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Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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Pauline Wilson
achat vérifié
il y a 6 ans
Spectre de l'homéopathie 2012-2,
Une lecture intéressante jusqu'à présent, j'aime particulièrement le cas du pinus, il y a beaucoup de choses à voir dans tous les règnes avec de nouvelles façons de percevoir des remèdes encore plus communs, je suis heureux de l'avoir dans la bibliothèque. read more ...
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Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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Peter walzberg
achat vérifié
il y a 7 ans
De nombreuses approches et conseils pour trouver de nouveaux moyens et en réévaluer de nouveaux. read more ...
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Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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il y a 7 ans
Je le recommande. read more ...
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Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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Connie Wehmeyer
achat vérifié
il y a 2 ans
Des perspectives très utiles
J'ai trouvé que ce livre m'a donné beaucoup d'idées différentes à utiliser dans ma pratique, en plus des nombreuses études que j'ai faites sur le covid ces dernières années. J'ai été quelque peu choquée que le seul contributeur homéopathe ait obtenu le vx, mais chacun doit faire ce qu'il pense être bon pour lui. J'ai appris beaucoup de choses sur l'acide picrique que je ne connaissais pas - j'en ai maintenant sous la main. Merci d'avoir élaboré ce livre instructif. read more ...
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Langue originale: anglais, traduit par Narayana
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