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Editions Narayana

excellent    2.946.910 clients de 194 pays
  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
  • Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
  • Alimentation saine et naturelle
  • Homéopathie pour les plantes

The Homeopathy Handbook for Children

Didier Grandgeorge

Buch: 336 pages, relié
publication: 2015
produit no.: 10732
poids: 720g
ISBN: 978-3-943309-04-1 9783943309041
Ce livre en Allemand
Second edition 2015
Critique de ce livre

The Homeopathy Handbook for Children
de Ian Hamilton , publié en The Homeopath / AUTUMN 2012

The Homeopathy Handbook for Children
de Elizabeth Adalian , publié en Homeopathy in practice Winter/Spring 2013

The Homeopathy Handbook for Children

Didier Grandgeorge

Acutes and their Homeopathic Treatment
€ 39,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables
Buch: 336 pages, relié
publication: 2015
produit no.: 10732
poids: 720g
ISBN: 978-3-943309-04-1 9783943309041
Ce livre en Allemand
Second edition 2015
Critique de ce livre

The Homeopathy Handbook for Children
de Ian Hamilton , publié en The Homeopath / AUTUMN 2012

The Homeopathy Handbook for Children
de Elizabeth Adalian , publié en Homeopathy in practice Winter/Spring 2013

The homeopathic treatment of children is one of the most promising areas of homeopathy. The correct remedy can often give the child a new lease of life.

Didier Grandgeorge is one of the most experienced homeopathic pediatricians in the world today. In this practical handbook, he conveys his immense knowledge and explains the use of proven remedies for all kinds of childhood illness.

The book demonstrates the full spectrum of homeopathic treatment of children: from respiratory disease, fever, flu, diarrhea, constipation, and cystitis through warts, eczema, diaper rash, herpes, acne, and head lice to injuries, tendonitis, insect bites, allergies, teething complaints, travel sickness, and fever cramps.

Even disturbances such as bedwetting, delayed walking, speech problems, migraine, stage fright, fears and anxiety, and the after effects of vaccinations are discussed.

Airways: hay fever, nose bleeds, sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, coughing, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, flu
Digestive tract: gastroenteritis, constipation, abdominal pains
Urogenital tract: bladder and urethral infections, pyelonephritis, leukorrhea, balanitis
Skin disease such as warts, urticaria, eczema, impetigo, itching, diaper rash, psoriasis, herpes, ingrowing nails, furuncles, vitiligo, acne, head lice
Injuries: skin, head including teeth and tongue, nose, spinal column, chest, abdomen, genitals, extremities (dislocations, fractures, torn fibers, tendonitis, cramps)
First- to third-degree burns, sunburn, sun allergy
Foreign objects, electric shock, insect bites, poisoning, allergies, surgical intervention, dental treatment, vaccination, travel sickness, altitude sickness, frostbite
Neurological illness: epilepsy, tics, fever cramps, bedwetting, migraine, developmental disturbances (delayed walking and talking), writing and speaking problems, sleep disturbances, stage fright, fears and anxiety, aggression, masturbation
Aphthae, caries, conjunctivitis, sties, sciatica
Pregnancy, neonatology (asphyxia, deformations, post-natal mastitis, conjunctivitis in newborns, jaundice, breastfeeding problems), colic, anorexia, thrush
Summary: an original work that goes well beyond acute cases.

A special chapter deals with the illnesses of pregnancy (varicose veins, nausea), birth and the postnatal period (asphyxia, malformations, jaundice, breastfeeding difficulties) up until the typical diseases of childhood.

Dr. Grandgeorge also explains the deeper significance of symptoms, so giving valuable hints to help identify the underlying problem. It is clear that the remedy pointers emerge directly from the experience of a great clinician, which invests the book with unusual originality.

Firsthand knowledge from a skilled practitioner – a real treasure!

„Didier Grandgeorge has written a book on acute cases in paediatrics. It is a reference for all specialists in homeopathy looking after children in such acute situations. Acute cases in young children are very tricky and need acute diagnosis. Didier , with his amazing knowledge of the repertory and his approach to homeopathy that is under the influence of psychoanalysis  has the ability to go straight to the core of the patients situation. His method is clear  and  gives the opportunity to work quickly and efficiently!” 
Patricia Le Roux

"The best book on treating children:  Written by a French pediatrician, Didier Grandgeorge, MD, The Homeopathy Handbook for Children: Acutes and Their Homeopathic Treatment.  This book is FULL of practical clinical information, including a lot of information not found in any other book on homeopathy.  If you treat children or just want better results in treating your own, get this book!"
Dana Ullman

€ 39,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

The homeopathic treatment of children is one of the most promising areas of homeopathy. The correct remedy can often give the child a new lease of life.

Didier Grandgeorge is one of the most experienced homeopathic pediatricians in the world today. In this practical handbook, he conveys his immense knowledge and explains the use of proven remedies for all kinds of childhood illness.

The book demonstrates the full spectrum of homeopathic treatment of children: from respiratory disease, fever, flu, diarrhea, constipation, and cystitis through warts, eczema, diaper rash, herpes, acne, and head lice to injuries, tendonitis, insect bites, allergies, teething complaints, travel sickness, and fever cramps.

Even disturbances such as bedwetting, delayed walking, speech problems, migraine, stage fright, fears and anxiety, and the after effects of vaccinations are discussed.

Airways: hay fever, nose bleeds, sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, coughing, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, flu
Digestive tract: gastroenteritis, constipation, abdominal pains
Urogenital tract: bladder and urethral infections, pyelonephritis, leukorrhea, balanitis
Skin disease such as warts, urticaria, eczema, impetigo, itching, diaper rash, psoriasis, herpes, ingrowing nails, furuncles, vitiligo, acne, head lice
Injuries: skin, head including teeth and tongue, nose, spinal column, chest, abdomen, genitals, extremities (dislocations, fractures, torn fibers, tendonitis, cramps)
First- to third-degree burns, sunburn, sun allergy
Foreign objects, electric shock, insect bites, poisoning, allergies, surgical intervention, dental treatment, vaccination, travel sickness, altitude sickness, frostbite
Neurological illness: epilepsy, tics, fever cramps, bedwetting, migraine, developmental disturbances (delayed walking and talking), writing and speaking problems, sleep disturbances, stage fright, fears and anxiety, aggression, masturbation
Aphthae, caries, conjunctivitis, sties, sciatica
Pregnancy, neonatology (asphyxia, deformations, post-natal mastitis, conjunctivitis in newborns, jaundice, breastfeeding problems), colic, anorexia, thrush
Summary: an original work that goes well beyond acute cases.

A special chapter deals with the illnesses of pregnancy (varicose veins, nausea), birth and the postnatal period (asphyxia, malformations, jaundice, breastfeeding difficulties) up until the typical diseases of childhood.

Dr. Grandgeorge also explains the deeper significance of symptoms, so giving valuable hints to help identify the underlying problem. It is clear that the remedy pointers emerge directly from the experience of a great clinician, which invests the book with unusual originality.

Firsthand knowledge from a skilled practitioner – a real treasure!

„Didier Grandgeorge has written a book on acute cases in paediatrics. It is a reference for all specialists in homeopathy looking after children in such acute situations. Acute cases in young children are very tricky and need acute diagnosis. Didier , with his amazing knowledge of the repertory and his approach to homeopathy that is under the influence of psychoanalysis  has the ability to go straight to the core of the patients situation. His method is clear  and  gives the opportunity to work quickly and efficiently!” 
Patricia Le Roux

"The best book on treating children:  Written by a French pediatrician, Didier Grandgeorge, MD, The Homeopathy Handbook for Children: Acutes and Their Homeopathic Treatment.  This book is FULL of practical clinical information, including a lot of information not found in any other book on homeopathy.  If you treat children or just want better results in treating your own, get this book!"
Dana Ullman

Ajouter au panier
€ 39,00
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

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