Fascinating fungi - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2015

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Fascinating fungi - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2015

Fungi are overwhelmingly hidden – under the earth or inside other organisms. With their caps, tubes, and bulbs, they show us at the most their organs of reproduction. In homeopathy too, there are only a few visible representatives of this natural kingdom. Situated somewhere between plants and animals, the fungi are difficult to classify. Yet their effect on people is very interesting, whether as gut symbiont or agent of disease, as intoxicant or drug, as food or poison. This spectrum of action promises a wide range of homeopathic applications, which have so far been greatly underutilized. With new remedy provings, miasmatic connections and interesting case histories, our group of international authors will describe the magical kingdom of Agaricus, Bovista and Secale in homeopathic terms – from simple yeasts and lichen to the massive organisms of the higher fungi. The articles as a whole illustrate this complex natural kingdom. With this issue SPECTRUM presents a further, especially fascinating chapter of its modern, living materia medica.

Reading excerpt
Reading excerpt

Anton Kramer, Frans Kusse, Gio Meijer, Marguerite Pelt, Wim Roukema, Enna Stallinga, Rienk Stuut: Search for the core
The kingdom of the fungi – group analysis with differential diagnosis and two cases

Jan Scholten: At the end
Fungi in the periodic table and plant theory

Jörg Wichmann, Angelika Bolte, Ruth Wittassek: Beings of the intermediate realm
An overview of the Fungi with example cases using the sensation method

Willibald Neuhold: Barrenness and abundance
Sticta pulmonaria and other lichens – a symbiosis of fungi and algae

Felix Morgenthaler: Expansion in time and space
Bovista – a comprehensive psychosomatic case history

Mike Keszler: Out of control
Agaricus muscarius for multiple sclerosis

Andreas Holling: I'm losing my hair!
Secale cornutum and a case of alopecia

Misha Norland: Disintegration and fusion
LSD – bizarre self-awareness with a high potency

Sigrid Lindemann: Lucid in the sky
LSD – a case of an isopathic constitutional remedy

Annette Sneevliet: My brain is falling apart
Psilocybe caerulescens and a case of burnout

Anneliese Barthels: The Unvarnished, unlimited truth
Piptoporus betulinus – a Fungi proving with case history

Bob Blair: Self-estrangement
Cryptococcus neoformans – synopsis of a remedy proving

Marco Riefer: Chaos, bustle, anger in the belly
Candida albicans – twenty years of homeopathic experience


Fascinating fungi - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2015

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