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Editions Narayana

excellent    2.966.645 clients de 194 pays
  • plus de 10.000 produits sur l'homéopathie et les soins naturels
  • Séminaires avec des médecins homéopathes de renommée mondiale
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Boron - 3 mg - 365 comprimés - par Unimedica

Boron - 3 mg - 365 comprimés - par Unimedica
Boron - 3 mg - 365 comprimés - par UnimedicaBoron - 3 mg - 365 comprimés - par UnimedicaBoron - 3 mg - 365 comprimés - par UnimedicaBoron - 3 mg - 365 comprimés - par Unimedica
produit no.: 25757
EAN: 4251662101017

Boron - 3 mg - 365 comprimés - par Unimedica

Complément alimentaire au BORE
€ 9,80
(€ 107,69/kg)
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables
produit no.: 25757
EAN: 4251662101017

365 comprimés = 91 g

Les comprimés de bore d'Unimedica contiennent du bore organique à haute dose sous forme de borate de sodium. Sous cette forme, il est très facilement absorbé. Chaque comprimé contient 3 mg de bore élémentaire. En tant que pseudo-métal, le bore est un minéral et fait partie des ultra-oligo-éléments. Il ne peut pas être produit par le corps lui-même. De bonnes sources de bore se trouvent principalement dans les aliments à base de plantes comme les noix, les fruits secs ou les légumes, mais aussi dans l'eau.
Chaque boîte contient 365 comprimés. Cela correspond à une consommation annuelle pour un apport supplémentaire en oligo-élément bore.

Les comprimés de bore d'Unimedica sont véganes et sont exemptes d'arômes, de colorants, de stabilisants et de stéarate de magnésium, ils sont sans OGM, sans lactose, sans gluten et sans gélatine.

Les comprimés de bore d'Unimedica sont fabriqués en Allemagne dans des installations certifiées.

€ 9,80
(€ 107,69/kg)
  • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

Sans gluten

Sans lactose

Sans OGM



agent de charge : cellulose microcristalline, tétraborate de disodium décahydraté

Fabriqué en Allemagne
Matière première provenant d'un pays de l'UE

Remarques importantes : Les compléments alimentaires ne doivent pas être utilisés comme substituts d'une alimentation équilibrée et variée et d'un mode de vie sain. La consommation journalière recommandée indiquée ne doit pas être dépassée. Ne convient pas aux adolescents, aux femmes enceintes et allaitantes.

Forme d'administration

  • comprimés
  • Conseil d'utilisation:

    Prendre 1 comprimé par jour avec suffisamment de liquide.


    Conserver fermé, au frais, au sec et à l'abri de la lumière. Conserver hors de portée des jeunes enfants.
    Bor3 ***


    *(1 comprimé) **Pourcentage des valeurs nutritionnelles de référence conformément au règlement (UE) 1169/2011 (LMIV) ***Aucune valeur nutritionnelle de référence connue.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Allemagne

    365 comprimés = 91 g

    Les comprimés de bore d'Unimedica contiennent du bore organique à haute dose sous forme de borate de sodium. Sous cette forme, il est très facilement absorbé. Chaque comprimé contient 3 mg de bore élémentaire. En tant que pseudo-métal, le bore est un minéral et fait partie des ultra-oligo-éléments. Il ne peut pas être produit par le corps lui-même. De bonnes sources de bore se trouvent principalement dans les aliments à base de plantes comme les noix, les fruits secs ou les légumes, mais aussi dans l'eau.
    Chaque boîte contient 365 comprimés. Cela correspond à une consommation annuelle pour un apport supplémentaire en oligo-élément bore.

    Les comprimés de bore d'Unimedica sont véganes et sont exemptes d'arômes, de colorants, de stabilisants et de stéarate de magnésium, ils sont sans OGM, sans lactose, sans gluten et sans gélatine.

    Les comprimés de bore d'Unimedica sont fabriqués en Allemagne dans des installations certifiées.

    € 9,80
    (€ 107,69/kg)
    • Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

    Souvent commandés ensemble
    Boron - 3 mg - 365 comprimés - par Unimedica+Zinc Bisglycinate - 25 mg par dose journalière - fortement dosé - 365 comprimés - de Unimedica+Magnesium forte - 400 mg par dose quotidienne (1 gélule) - 365 gélules - par Unimedica =
    Prix total € 42,80
    acheter tous

    Disponible, prêt à être expédié sous 1 à 2 jours ouvrables

    Les clients qui ont acheté ce produit Boron - 3 mg - 365 comprimés - par Unimedica ont également acheté

    Sans gluten

    Sans lactose

    Sans OGM



    agent de charge : cellulose microcristalline, tétraborate de disodium décahydraté

    Fabriqué en Allemagne
    Matière première provenant d'un pays de l'UE

    Remarques importantes : Les compléments alimentaires ne doivent pas être utilisés comme substituts d'une alimentation équilibrée et variée et d'un mode de vie sain. La consommation journalière recommandée indiquée ne doit pas être dépassée. Ne convient pas aux adolescents, aux femmes enceintes et allaitantes.

    Forme d'administration

  • comprimés
  • Conseil d'utilisation:

    Prendre 1 comprimé par jour avec suffisamment de liquide.


    Conserver fermé, au frais, au sec et à l'abri de la lumière. Conserver hors de portée des jeunes enfants.
    Bor3 ***


    *(1 comprimé) **Pourcentage des valeurs nutritionnelles de référence conformément au règlement (UE) 1169/2011 (LMIV) ***Aucune valeur nutritionnelle de référence connue.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Allemagne

    Avis sur Boron - 3 mg - 365 comprimés - par Unimedica
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    4,7 étoiles sur 5

    56 commentaires (allemand), 1 commentaire (anglais), 8 commentaires (français)

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    Alica Becker
    achat vérifié
    il y a 1 an
    Incredible - for joint pain
    Many years ago, I had a severe flu and developed severe pain in my joints as a result. My joints became more and more sore and the pain was sometimes so bad that I was walking like an old woman in my early 30s. I even had pain when I was lying down. Finally, my sciatica was also affected for months and my SI joint was blocked. I was suspected of having ankylosing spondylitis. I found out about boron by chance and ordered it. What can I say? I wanted to go jogging on the third day, that's how great I felt. That was in September and now I have maybe 5% of the 100% pain in my hips left, but only when I have a heavy load or something. Thanks to this remedy I am finally feeling well again and it also gives me energy. I have recommended it to many people, but they prefer to stick with medicines that don't help at all or hardly help at all 🤷‍♀️
    2 other people I have recommended this to are also delighted.
    Boron re-mineralises the bones, increases energy and affects testosterone, but the amazing thing is that it "switches off" inflammation directly at the receptor, which is exactly what it feels like to me.
    Boron acts on two inflammatory receptors that trigger many diseases.
    I order many other things here that I take daily and every single product is great.
    read more ...
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    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    il y a 4 mois
    Thank you Alicia for your valuable tip. I'll tell my 91-year-old mother, who suffers from osteoarthritis, straight away. Even though we're not healthy, we all don't want to be guinea pigs for the pharmaceutical industry any longer, so whenever we're not in pain, we avoid taking medication from the pharmacy. read more ...
    9 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    Bruno Ringgenberg
    achat vérifié
    il y a 4 ans
    Effective boron tablets
    Relieves pain from arthrosis and arthritis. Had knee pain for 1 year, especially when going up and down stairs. After just 2 days with 6mg boron per day, the pain was much better. Also makes you mentally and physically fit. read more ...
    106 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    Jasmin Andjelkovic
    achat vérifié
    il y a 3 ans
    Yeah great, glad to read it! Yes, boron also helps with arthrosis and arthritis, that's true. read more ...
    27 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    il y a 2 ans
    When should you take it read more ...
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    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    Jasmin Andjelkovic
    achat vérifié
    il y a 4 ans
    A MUST HAVE for all men!
    A few benefits of boron:
    -Increases free and total testosterone levels
    -Increases DHT levels
    -Lowers SHBG
    -Lowers oestrogen
    -Good for the bones
    -Improves the absorption of other minerals, trace elements and vitamins
    -Good for the brain

    1 tablet a day is not enough to increase your free and total testosterone and DHT levels and lower your oestrogen and SHBG levels, you need to take 2 or 3 a day for this to happen.
    I take 3 tablets a day, so 9mg in total.
    You do NOT need more than 9mg!
    Buy it!

    Dear Narayana Team
    I am glad that I have finally found a boron that is really good, all the others I have found have been absolutely rubbish without exception!
    You still get 1 star deduction because rice bran is not healthy. You are welcome to do your own research to find out why.
    Best regards
    Mr Andjelkovic
    read more ...
    77 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    achat vérifié
    il y a 3 ans
    Isn't DHT responsible for hair loss? I would like to take Boron because of the other benefits, but I don't want to risk a receding hairline read more ...
    13 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    Jasmin Andjelkovic
    achat vérifié
    il y a 3 ans
    Moin, no, this is a worldwide! widespread lie that was planted in your head by the pharmaceutical industry! just like the claim that a high DHT level enlarges the prostate! DHT is NOT! responsible for hair loss! Too high oestrogen levels (oestradiol, oestrone and oestriol) and too high cortisol levels (total cortisol and free cortisol), too high prolactin levels (total prolactin and free prolactin), too high serotonin levels and too high ACTH levels and too high thyroid levels are responsible for hair loss! All these hormones work together, I swear it's true! When cortisol levels are too high, prolactin levels are too high and when cortisol levels are too high, oestrogen levels go up and testosterone levels (free testosterone, bioavailable testosterone, total testosterone and DHT) go DOWN and I think even DHEA AND pregnenelone go down. By the way, free testosterone, DHEA, and DHT are the most important forms of testosterone. DHEA and cholesterol are the foundation of testosterone production together with pregnenolone. However, DHT is the most potent form of testosterone. Yes, there is genetic hair loss, but you can counteract this with He Shou Wu and by lowering your cortisol levels, your prolactin levels, your oestrogen levels, your ACTH levels and your serotonin levels and by increasing your testosterone levels WITH ZINC, WITH VITAMIN D3, WITH VITAMIN K2, WITH MAGNESIUM, WITH BOR, WITH TONGKAT ALI, WITH PINE POLLEN, WITH RAW CACAO, WITH TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS, there are certainly other supplements that increase testosterone levels). "Yes, but serotinin should not be lowered, that's the happy making hormone", what a load of bollocks! That is a worldwide lie planted on you by the pharmaceutical industry! The lower your serotonin levels the better! But there is a limit, i.e. serotonin levels should NOT be too low. Dopamine is the happy making hormone, serotonin is NOT! The higher your dopamine level, the better, but there's a limit there too. To increase your dopamine level, you can and should take Mucuna Prurierens, it increases libido, energy, motivation, you are more masculine, you are stronger inside, it increases sperm production, it increases your strength level and your aggression level and why? Because it increases dopamine and testosterone! Dopamine and testosterone work together, no one has probably told you that yet. The lower your dopamine levels are, the lower your testosterone levels are and the lower your testosterone levels are, the lower your dopamine levels are. The higher your ACTH levels (this hormone produces cortisol), the higher your cortisol levels. A high DHT value does not enlarge the prostate! A LOW VALUE ENLARGES THE PROSTATE! Isn't it striking that almost only or only old men around 50+ (where old is relative and you are only as old as you feel and how you live - diet etc) have prostate problems! ONLY FEW YOUNG MEN OR NO YOUNG MEN AT ALL AND ONLY FEW BOYS OR NO BOYS AT ALL HAVE PROSTATE PROBLEMS! Hmm, why do you think that is? BECAUSE MANY OR ALL YOUNG MEN AND BECAUSE MANY BOYS OR BECAUSE ALL BOYS HAVE A DHT VALUE THAT IS NOT MUCH TOO LOW! Sure, there are certainly young men and boys who have a DHT level that is far too low, there are not that many, yes there are many, but not that many, there are very many, but not extremely many and not ultra many. Stop believing the lies of the pharmaceutical industry! And on the subject of cholesterol: eat eggs regularly, preferably one pack a day, 4 to 10 eggs. The higher your HDL cholesterol levels, the better and the higher your testosterone levels, the better and more masculine you will feel and the more masculine you will behave and you will automatically do better with women, they will notice you more often and more intensely, give you more attention, you will hold your frame more often and stronger, women will treat you better and in short: YOUR LIFE WILL IMPROVE A LITTLE OR MAYBE EVEN A LOT! And make sure you eat mostly organic food, because pesticides and herbicides are brutally harmful! who knows what kind of stuff is in there and eat only rarely wheat and if possible NEVER! Any more questions? I'm sure I can answer any questions you have about nutrition and supplements, and some or many of them in detail. I've been living in the supplement world/this world since I was in my mid or late 14s, so since 2015, so for 6 years, soon even for almost 7 years, maybe even for 7 years. I'm in my late 20s now, I'll be 21 this year. I've been interested in strength training since I was 14 and I started strength training when I was 14 and I started taking supplements when I was 14. By the way, the higher your serotonin levels are, the higher your cortisol levels are, the higher your prolactin levels are, the higher your serotonin levels are, the higher your prolactin levels are, the higher your cortisol levels are, the higher your oestrogen levels are, the higher your cortisol levels are, the higher your oestrogen levels are, the higher your prolactin levels are and the higher your estrogen levels are, the higher your sertonin levels are and all these things cause your free, your bioavailable testosterone levels and your total testosterone levels to go down and your DHT levels to go down and I think it even causes your DHEA and your pregnenolone levels to go down. The higher your ACTH levels, the higher your prolactin levels, your serotonin levels and your oestrogen levels and the lower your free testosterone levels, your bioavailable testosterone levels, your total testosterone level and your DHT level and maybe or probably even your DHEA level and maybe or probably even your pregnenelone level If your thyroid levels are too high, prolactin levels, cortisol levels, serotonin levels, ACTH levels and testosterone levels will then DROP. If the ACTH, cortisol, serotonin, oestrogen and prolactin levels are too high, the thyroid levels increase and this causes the testosterone levels to DROP. Men, it's time for an essential update from me! Take at least 9MG of boron! 6mg is not enough! (according to one study or maybe it's 2 studies, I don't know, boron supplementation only achieved significant results at 9MG and above). I've been taking 12MG since around summer 2021 or even autumn 2021, don't worry, it's not too much. But you shouldn't take more than 12MG and I don't think we need more than 12MG. Boron improves the absorption of vitamin D3, it helps the vitamin D3 to go into our bones, that's a place where the vitamin D3 is needed, or maybe boron helps the vitamin K2 to go into the bones, hmm, I don't know, I might just be confusing D3 with K2, but it doesn't matter, because boron is good stuff, it has a positive effect, so don't think about it, buy it! but if you are sceptical, do your research first anyway. Experimenting is more important than thinking, but that is NOT always the case, sometimes it is better to think and research first and only then buy things and only then make general decisions in life, but often it is essential that you listen to your intuition! So, I could write a lot more, but I'll stop myself here. read more ...
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    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    achat vérifié
    il y a 2 ans
    Simply good - for muscles, joints and cholesterol
    At first I was sceptical as to whether anything would change for me, but surprisingly I'm now feeling really well again. I can recommend it. After 14 days I felt the first success, it was a gradual process. My joint pain and muscles relaxed. My colesterol (from 168 to 112) and high blood pressure have also levelled off again. Bi totally thrilled read more ...
    70 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    Martina Ackermann
    achat vérifié
    il y a 2 ans
    I've been taking Borax 3 tablets a day for 2 weeks now and for 1 week I've had no more migraines...I've been a chronic migraine sufferer for 30 years, have tried just about every prophylaxis available, take triptans (too many) and have never been migraine free for more than 2 days. This is the first time I have been pain free for such a long time...I hope I stay that way read more ...
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    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    il y a 8 mois
    And how is it now in long-term use? read more ...
    3 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    Martina Ackermann
    achat vérifié
    il y a 8 mois
    Still almost migraine free....I had up to 25 attacks a I am already I have maybe 3-4 attacks a month...I hardly need triptans anymore, an espresso or quality of life has improved so have a clear head again and to be pain free I hadn't believed in that for a long time read more ...
    20 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    achat vérifié
    il y a 4 ans
    Higher testosterone levels with boron!
    It's incredible!

    I feel extremely fit, both mentally and physically.

    The beard hair grows stronger and faster!

    As a side effect, I have an increased "aggressiveness", but nothing unhealthy. During sport I notice how I go beyond my physical limits with aggressiveness. I suspect that the increased testosterone level is responsible for this.

    I took 3 tablets once a day before meals. The effect was already noticeable after 2 days.

    I will and can only recommend Boron to every MAN.
    read more ...
    23 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    Jasmin Andjelkovic
    achat vérifié
    il y a 3 ans
    I forgot to mention that boron makes for faster and stronger beard growth, thanks for reminding me. BTW, boron EVEN PROVIDES MORE BEARD GROWTH. read more ...
    2 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    Nuray Eren

    il y a 3 ans
    What is it like for women? Do women also grow beards? read more ...
    21 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    achat vérifié
    il y a 11 mois
    Pain-free with Boron
    I bought the product based on the reviews to get rid of my joint pain. I've been taking one tablet a day for 2 weeks now and the pain has reduced considerably, sometimes even disappeared. I hope that my recurring mouth ulcers will also disappear. Thank you very much for this read more ...
    22 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    achat vérifié
    il y a 2 ans
    The product is great for my osteoarthritis. I no longer need painkillers. I have often recommended it to others read more ...
    21 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    achat vérifié
    il y a 6 mois
    Small and pain-relieving
    I have been taking these tablets for about 2 weeks. They are small and easy to swallow. I have had less pain since taking them and no longer feel so tense in my neck. read more ...
    16 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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    achat vérifié
    il y a 3 ans
    All good.
    The product supports my daily training, reduces tension and pain. For me, the tablets are well tolerated and they help. I take a break for a few days every few weeks. read more ...
    15 personnes ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Vous trouvez ce commentaire utile?
    Langue originale: allemand, traduit par Narayana
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